
I feel guilty for staying home sick?

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diagnosis: last night i didn't fall asleep till about 3am because i ahd the worst stomach ache/ period cramp combonation in the world. when i moved i felt like i might throw up, and soemtimes i did throw up a little but i swallowed it. i got about 2 hours of sleep, woke up and told my mother i felt horrible. but i did feel a bit better, i could actually move around. my mom said i should eat and then call her about it. so i drank some tea and ate like 2 crackes and imediately felt like barf. i cried and told the school i was staying home sick [8 th grade, 3 weeks into school]

I know i felt bad and sick, and i still do, but i feel so bad! lik i shuld have just gone to school and barfed my guts out there. i feel so horrible for staying home and just sleeping and healing, i feel like i should just run to school and sit through a class and feel pain.

was i wrong to stay home sick?

should i have gone to school?

if i'm still sick and go to school tomorrow, what shuld i do to feel better?

any suggestions to eating something? whenever i eat like 4 or more salteen crackers my stomachs starts SCREAMING and makes me shrivel up.





  1.  Dont worry about it if you're actually legitimately sick, because nobody would want you in school anyways, and they would probably send you home the second you start looking ominously nauseous.  So basically if you did go to school you'd just be wasting half an hour that you could have spent getting better anyway.

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