
I feel guilty killing roaches, but I can't stop?

by  |  earlier

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i never purposely kill insects. if i see a beetle stuck in the pool, i cup it and set it free. if there's a moth stuck in the house, i'll find a way to shoo it out.

i have one exception: cockroaches. i am deathly afraid of them. i more or less lose my sh*t when i see one. all rationality goes out the window, and i spray them until the floor is flooded with raid. i scream bloody murder. sometimes i sleep with a can of raid in my bed when i think i've heard it's creepy feet scuttling around my room. and i leave the bodies there for weeks until i can get someone else to pick it up for me. i fear them breeding and taking over my home.

i hate it. it's like i go temporarily insane. i have nightmares about them crawling on my face.

i want to stop killing them! a roach's life is just as important as a ladybug's life, but i would never think of killing a ladybug. i can't even imagine trying to capture one and set it free, i'd literally p**p everywhere. what should i do? :(




  1. Continue killing them. We should respect other living organisms lives as long as they respect ours. heh If they mess with us, we can mess with them.

  2. Kill em'. There's plenty around and it's survival of the fittest. I shoo many insects out as well, but some just gotta' go. I have pets here.

  3. Yeah if it really bugs you out and it gets all the h**l out of ya, eradicate them. Those roaches undeniably do something bad for you, now do something ad for them. Much like as we kill bacteria and microorganisms, they have a life too but we won't tolerate them living with us because if we dont kill them it would be us who would get killed haha im talking too much.

  4. Think of it THIS way......

    THEY don't feel guilty for killing YOU! lol

    Roaches can carry some very serious diseases that can make you ill or even potentially kill you..

    They are nasty lil things.

    I guess I know how you feel, though.. I hate killing insects too. Even spiders, though i'm deathly afraid of them. =/ But... IF I see a roach, it has to die! Otherwise, it will breed prolifically, and they will take over.

    Try not to think about it as a living thing.. Think of it as preventing the spread of bacteria that can make you and other sick.


  5. I'd sure like to know how you kill them. Cockroaches can survive a nuclear bomb! I've never yet seen one and been able to terminate it. Once, even after slamming it with a hammer after I cornered it, it was still alive and crawled away!

    The only thing I can think of is to move somewhere that doesn't have roaches (such as major cities on the West Coast). It may give you some peace of mind. Best wishes.

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