okay so heres the scoop. I used to be well very permiscuse when i was younger, and i am not very proud of it. It seems whenever i get really drunk that side comes out of me so i don't usually do that anymore. I found a wonderful boyfriend and we have been together for almost 2 years and we have a beautiful son together. I love him with all my heart and have never cheated on him or even thought about it. So me and him went to his home town a week ago and drank with his friend and his friends boss. My boyfriend passed out early and we all decided to go swimming in the pool and the hot tub. Now i never see anything wrong with flirting, just don't touch right? Well, my bf's friends boss, started to feel me up in the hot tub, and i was so drunk that i let him for a couple minutes!!!! Thank god i snapped out of it like 5 minutes later and realized what i was doing, he tried to come over to me and grab me but i pushed him away and said no, i love my boyfriend im sorry i can't do this! And than i left and went to bed. But ever since i have felt so guilty about it. I mean i though about telling my bf, but he's a really jealous guy, with a bad temper! He means well, but one little thing can make him really mad really easy, and i guess i just didn't want to fight with him and jeopordize our relationship. Am i wrong for not telling him? i don't know what to do , i mean its just eating away at me. Please help?!