
I feel guitly about potentially resigning why do I feel this way?

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I may have an amazing job offer come down my way. More money, less to manage and supervise. IT's a no brainer...

My current position is that of middle management. I have found upon review that I make a whole freaking dollar more than 2 of my employees. One of which I just gave a raise too and now I am a cent more an hour than her. I feel that this DOES not reflect the proper pay of a manager... and therefore I am looking elsewhere. and it may just happen. Why do I feel guilty when I know my company could give a rats azzzz about it's employees?




  1. You're a boss, act like one. Go to your supervisor (Not YA) and point these things out. Don't demand, but put forth a good case why you should be paid more. If they don't come up with the cash, take the other job.

    Unless they're trying to send you a message? In which case, take the other job - fast ;<)

    -a guy named duh

  2. No need to feel guilty. If you find a position with more to offer and for which you feel you'll be a good fit, it would be foolish not to do it. Selling yourself short is something to feel guilty about. Good Luck!

  3. You shouldn't feel guilty.  Changing jobs and letting a present employer know your intentions is always a little disconcerting but be positive.  Let your present employer know that you have learned a lot, appreciated your position, but find that your new position will allow for some growth you were looking for.  It's all good.  But don't stress.  People change jobs and positions all the time.

  4. Don't feel guilty, take the great job if it is offered.  Most middle managment is just filler in the minds of upper management, if they are grooming you for upper managment, they offer you higher salary and perks from the onset.

  5. Why indeed should you feel guilty?  You have given your time to the company and the company has paid you for it.  Now you have a golden opportunity for something better.  It's your life.  Change jobs.  You own nothing to the company you will be leaving.  Move on.

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