
I feel hollow spiritually, even if I think I know the answers...?

by  |  earlier

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I have had cruddy things happen to me lately (haven't we all), and I have felt a great distance grow between me and my spirituality.

I have studied and studied all major religions and meditation techniques, and I can look at a few and say "yes, this makes sense." and I really try hard to FEEL god (or whatever anyone wishes to call him or her). I get a little though nature and the spirits of the woods, but I still feel isolated from the "knowing" and centerdness I once had. I also live in the city, so woods are hard to come by.

I know that ya'll are better at giving this advice than the R&S forum because you know different techniques than organized religion.

Does anyone have experience with this or know something that may help me through this. I am tired of feeling restless.




  1. try deep breathing, count to 10 while inhaling,then suspend your breath and count to 10(pace yourself),then breath out counting to 10,slowly ,then do it agian and agian, until its almost unbarable,then close your eyes and see what you may.

    this is a meditation tecnique i used to center my thoughts and hear my intuition.

  2. There are many paths a person can choose.  You mention feeling something when your in nature and spirits in the woods, perhaps you should research the Pagan path or Wiccan path. One way to do this is to join an open circle and speak to others about their experiences and this way you're in no way expected to be converted. You will just share your path so far and hear others and how they have arrived to where they are in their lives.  It is a thought you can check out various groups in your area and you don't have to call yourself pagan or wiccan just to attend a group.  Check out and you can look at groups in your area where you live and read about other peoples experiences.  Hang in there, you're on a journey and sometimes we need to look inward and learn more patience which is a very hard lesson to learn.

  3. Now please don't be offended, because this is a legit answer.  Have you thought about talking to someone, because it sounds to me like you might be suffering from Depression.  That could be s******g you up.  Please believe me, I suffered from depression and I had no focus at all.  Then I decided to go to the doctor and he fixed me right up. Now I have no problem, it balanced me right out.   I truely hope this helps and I didn't mean to offend.

  4. After many years of putting my faith in a higher being, I came to the realization that one does not exist. There is no God, no devil, no magical poems or spells, there is only the life you live. I have the same feeling, hollow, empty, and I came to the realization that it is the people around you, and the experiences you encounter that make you feel that way, not the devil. I have suffered many deaths amongst my friends and families and some very bad experiences in the past few years, this is how I know God does not exist, because if he did, he would have done something to turn this around, but the same old S**t keeps happening, and I didn't do anything to deserve it. If you want to be filled with happiness, surround yourself with loving people, care for yourself as you would your own daughter, and continually improve. I'm afraid this is the only spiritual uplifting the earth has to offer. If you can't achieve these things, then I'm afraid your emptiness will just continue to grow until it becomes one black void, but don't feel bad because your not alone. ;-)

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