
I feel isolated in school because im the " minority "?

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What's the Impact of School Segregation? why do we still have segregation in our schools.. and the victims are always the minorities..




  1. I think you're

    but in China(multi-national country, with 56 nationalities in all) the situation is opposite!

    the "minority" are treated better than the "majority" (such as educaion,the "minority" has more opportunity and  less pressure of competition just because they're "minority")

    ps:in china the "majority" (Han people)is 1.2 billion

           the other "minority" (55 nationalities)total less than 0.1 billion.

    advice:just do your own thing.make friends with everyone as possible !

    study hard or do some sports to divert your attention,but u should confront the question what you face .don't give up,don't be negative

  2. victims are minorities because

    you dont have a "gang" to have support.

    thats it.

  3. As a minority who has expirenced this type of segregation I can tell you the impact is negative because it takes pride away from the victim. As a victum thou you can rise above the stigmatism, anger,  and hurt to become a solid individual. You have to look in the mirror and LOVE that person, cause all day everyday you are you. Others words, actions, thoughts, beliefs, and judgements of you should never be taken as fact. The more life you live the more you have to be strong and maintain your everchanging self identity. You must see yourself as the leader.


    Segregation is a very negative idea to be practiced in a world of all types, someone is always going to feel infearer. Which will only lead on to other problems socially such as violence, poverty, lack of knowledge, hopless feeling, and worst of all hatefull people.  

    We have segregation in our U.S. of A. schools simply because of our history. White Men formed this nation with only the best intentions for themselves. It has came a long way from the founders original blue-prints of this nation, but the ideas still have strong roots in society. White men still feel entitled to a right-a-way. Racism is still taught in homes, it's still confused as pride.

    Honestly people are scared of other people for some strange reason. Why people are scared of the minority is a question that never gets asked. People just get "dubbed" the minority and isolated by the others.

    This issue I feel needs to be adressed with the up most seriousness by the individuals that have been elected to take the responsibility of solving the problems of those they represent. Which might also just be the reason why we still have segregation; due to our leadership.

    I love everybody eventhose who judge me and treated me like an animal when I was just a kid. I thankyou for being the living example of how to not to be a person, you influenced me to use my brain and the gifts were given here on Earth to understand life beyond what was taught to me. I have a drive to know the truth for me, cause in the big picture we the minority are very limited if we just live to someone elses standard.

    So the key is understanding why others behave, to be able to identify the point of the interaction. LOVE is the single most important feeling to have of self. If you have that its your world to experience freely.  

  4. Never be a victim. Always be a winner!

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