
I feel left out and like I'm not doing enough. What should I do?

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My sister's getting married and I'm the Maid of Honor. I'm not invited to her stag (bachelorette party) and I don't want to go, but I just feel left out. Also, since I'm a lot younger than the other bridesmaids, I didn't throw the shower (even though I was supposed to) and one of the other bridesmaids did. Also even though the Maid of Honor is supposed to sign the wedding thing (that declares that they are married) as a witness, I don't get to do that either because I am underage. I can't even afford to buy her a gift for her wedding! Should I make a homemade gift, and if I should, what should it be?




  1. since you didn't do the shower how about a pre-batchelorette dinner.  Maybe your parents can help with it.  either cook or takeout, or go out all of you so you can be part of the night!

    And a homemade gift would be great.  Maybe a scrap book of all sorts of photos of both of them!

  2. A homemade gift sounds like a wonderful idea! Maybe a scarp book page of the couple or the 2 of you and frame it. I love that idea!

  3. Do you have a picture of you and your sister together? I would go get one of those really pretty picture frames and decorate it with those sticky jewels you can get at Walmart. Put your names on it and give it to her for her wedding. And why not see if you can plan a day just for you and her where you two can have your own "stag" party. She would probably like that a lot. Just rent some movies, go out to dinner, go to a spa. And have a sister day! I'm a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding and she lives all the way across the country so I know how you feel about not getting to participate in the wedding stuff.

  4. Tell her you feel a little left out, maybe the two of you can go spend the day together or something.  Ask her if she needs help picking anything out.  Or maybe you could go get your nails done for the wedding together.

  5. You're doing what you were asked to do - which is stand by her side when she gets married. Believe me, you will have LOADS to do on the actual wedding day. Be ready to run and get anything she needs. It would be helpful if you prepared a little 'emergency' kit with safety pins, makeup remover, clear nail polish, etc. to carry with you. Believe me, it's something that's often overlooked and people end up running around looking for those things.

    As for a homemade gift, you could give a coupon book good for household chores (lawn-mowing, dish-washing after a party, window-washing) or a recipe book filled with your family's favorite recipes.

    There's usually at least one bridesmaid who feels left out, even when everyone's of age. Just remember that it's her day - and she wanted YOU by her side!

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