
I feel like I'm to tall?

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I'm 12 years old but I'm 5'4 already. I want to start gymnastics but am I to tall? I'm 104pds, I do have some fat on my stomach but it coming off. Alot of people say I'm to tall but I dont know if I should believe or not...Anyways thanks in advance!




  1. There are many tall people that do gymnastics, you can be good but you will be weighed back by your height

  2. instead of focusing on physical attributes, try to focus on how to make yourself better, like your mental approach and visualization. * every champion has good genetics, but what seperates the good from the best is how they apply themselves in the situation that they're in. Hope it helps!

  3. You can, but is going to be a lot harder since tall people are less flexibles

  4. im 12 and 5'4 your not too tall have you been watching the olympics that girl named nastia luieken is really tall and she wins gold medals in gymnastics

  5. You are for your age I was 5' 6 when I was your age and now I;m 5 10 and 14 and still growing plus you better start gymnastics very fast cause if you want to be good you have to start early like those chinese girls from the olympic team so your still growing wish you luck in being a gymnast!

  6. ur description sounds pretty kool go for it!

  7. babe ur average ur just going threw puberty and ull stop growing at like 18

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