
I feel like I've lost my confidence... help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, over the past few months I've realized that I'm not as confident as I used to be. It's hard to explain really, but I don't socialize as much as I usually do, and I'm usually a funny and outgoing guy but I've just been really boring lately, and don't hang out with friends very often anymore. I was wondering If anyone knows whats going on/can help me?

If it helps I'm nearly 17 and a student at college (In the UK).





  1. This sounds very much like depression. Best thing would be to see the college counsellor if you have one. If not, try your GP for help. Whatever you do you won't feel good about yourself quickly. To get through this you need to identify what's made or is making you feel this way.

    Ask yourself questions, for example, is college getting you down, causing you stress that you can't manage or deal with? Is the work too hard, are you afraid of failing? Are you still enjoying the subject you chose?

    Have you family or relationship problems?

    All these things can cause depression, find the possible causes  and you're part way there. Often we don't know what the cause is, that's where therapy can really help.

    I'm a psychologist and I've been there myself so I do have a good idea how you're feeling. Please don't ever give up, you will get through this even if though it might take some time.

    Good luck.

  2. i know the feeling, its just a stage, you will pull out of it at some point. are you feeling depressed about anything in particular, or stressed? its probably a stage that will be ok soon

  3. Is there usually something on your mind? When you're out with you friends, just don't worry about anything and don't even think about socializing more. Just try to have fun and take things the way they come.

  4. maybe your just maturing early or perhaps you are feeling depressed? Talk to your doctor or close friends.

  5. "Man is a universe within himself." - Bob Marley

  6. Everyone has low points in there life so don't worry about it, you might have mild depression, you should speak to your gp about it.

  7. Looks like the people around you, are not motivating you or commenting positive on what you do.

    Don't let any group of people affect you, be urself and enjoy life, u are at a very young age and have a long life ahead of you, don't allow such a thing happen for any reason.

    Treat urself for any achievements you do, even if its a grade at school or you are looking good someday, buy urself a ice-cream and feel proud.

  8. you go through stages f wanting to be on your own and not socialise.. it isnt a crime.. but dont neglect your friends so much as they might not be there when u need them.. just go out nce in a while and enjoy yourself.. youll soon be back on the scene as youll realise u miss it..

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