
I feel like I am dying.?

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I am supposed to get my period sometime next week, and right now, I am having the worst cramps I have ever gotten. I usually don't get cramps, but these ones are terrible. What can I do to make them not as bad. Keep in mind that we don't have any ibuprofen.

P.S, I just noticed I have passed my Y!A one year anniversary




  1. i would suggest taking some motrin or pamprin

    or taking a nice hot bubble bath to relax

  2. Try this: lay down in a tub full of warm water, with your feet at the drain. Relax, and when your ready, remain laying down and pull the plug from the drain.  The idea is to release cramp pain; as the water is sucked down the drain, the motion of the water should release some of this pain. Haha, sort of complicated to explain, but easy to do and usually effective.good luck =)

  3. Try some Alka Seltzer and a heating pad.

  4. You could try lying on your bed with a hot water bottle on your stomach, or try taking a warm bath to help the cramps.

  5. A heating pad, hot water bottle wrapped in a towel, or a hot bath (in order from most effective to least effective) is what works best for me.  Good luck!  I know how terrible they can be.  I had an episode of cramps once that was actually worse than labor with my daughter.  

  6. Um... happy anniversary?  Anyway, Ibuprofen works best but worst case get some Tylenol but more importantly tell your mom or dad so they can go to the store and get you some.  Take a hot bath and as a make shift heating pad if you don't have one get a clean cotton sock, fill it with rice, tie the end and place in microwave for 30 sec. no more the 40 sec ( you want the rice to get heated and then you can place that on your stomach ) The rice should stay warm for a while.  Hope this helps

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