
I feel like I am jumping thru dimensions, that's the best I can explain it. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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It seems like every dimension is very similar to the last but something is significantly different. It could be the wording on a page, a piece of technology that wasn’t there yesterday (or was), or simply a conversation that never took place even though I’m sure it did. I can’t really describe it in 110 words, anyone else experiencing this? Or what is it?




  1. I think I know what you're saying. If  you feel like you're maybe not all there, or you feel like there has been a "shift" of some sort. It is likely your mind playing tricks on you. If it has happened for several months go get an MRI, if it is just something that rarely happens, it's normal(I think anyway) I've had similar experiences, where I'm sure something happened and it really didn't. Who knows, it might even be a dream and you don't remember waking up.

  2. Just take the red pill!

  3. Since you can probably agree that every day you wake up the world hasn't shifted into a different "dimension", you would probably also agree that this boils down to your perception of the world around you.

    What could cause this perceived shifting?  I don't know enough about what you mean to give you an intelligent answer, and I'm not really qualified to do any more than provide an opinion.  So all I can say is it appears to be your interpretation of the stimuli around you that is causing this disassociation with the world.

    It could be as simple as an awakening of your awareness.  It could be as complicated as a deep psychological disorder.  I would recommend you do all you can to try to isolate the "problem" so you can address it more effectively.  I am sorry I could not be of more help.

    (Of course, this is all assuming no drugs of any sort have been involved.)

  4. Yes I get it all the time when I'm off my medication. The doctors say its called schizophrenia, but I still reckon there wrong. I have been told that the aliens will return and pick me up and take me to the next dimension and drop me off at "Heavens Gate". But first my sole must be released from my earthly prison. Only a few more days till the end, see you on the other side.

  5. It's possible. I've been able to exist simultaneously in as many as 9 dimensions at once, using meditation. It's possible that you can jump through dimensions, but that would mean that you would disappear from the 3-dimensional world when you do it. Have someone watch you and see if that happens. If not, perhaps you're not jumping through dimensions but simply expanding your existence through many dimensions.

  6. mushrooms + laptops = this question

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