
I feel like I don't exist anymore in my mums eyes.?

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My mum has recently returned from overseas. For the first week everything was great, but then she went back to her old ways and started the nagging again.. why do I spend so much time with my bf, I do nothing around the house, why don't I just go get married, why hasn't my bf shown a commitment yet etc.. I tried to avoid blowing up at her, but I couldn't. I swore and told her I hated her. Things haven't been the same ever since. Every time I try talking to her rationally, we get into a fight.. She calls me a nasty mean person who will be miserable for the rest of my life. She says my brothers & cousins are scared of me, and also my grandparents aren't talking to me. Today everyone went out, and I wasn't invited. I am feeling so down at the moment. I don't know what to do. I hate feeling hated by everyone, when I didn't do anything wrong. Please help.




  1. hey,  no teenager likez there mum im 14 and i dont lol she seemz to be having just 1 ov them day dont worry about it before u no it she will be back to her old self again just try being nice and help her out with odd job around the house and stuff and u will soon get back in her good bookz lol gd luck

    BabyGyrl AKA Sonia - 2K8

  2. some times the best thing is to tell her how you fell you can try counseling.but be honest when she isn't committing to her daughter maybe she doesn't have self respect for her self. its not your fault, tell her that you as her daughter. you should not have to suffer

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