
I feel like I don't have any REAL freinds?

by Guest59420  |  earlier

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Idk why, but I feel like I have no real friends even though I do have a lot of friends, but they feel kind of fake. I guess it's cause I don't hang out with 1 group for long like Sometimes I'm with the Ballers the next day I'm with the Skaters. It just feels like my freinds are fake and not like

real friends. Btw I'm 15 M




  1. If you want a real friend, BE one first.   That means making yourself vulnerable, a bit.   Think about what you wish for.  Then BE like that with someone you particularly like and respect.  See what happens.   If nothing, try with someone else.   You make your own life.

  2. Im 15 F, and I also sometimes feel the same, It could be just an age thing. The people who are your so called "friends" in high school may not be the ones that are going to be your friends when your an adult. Dont worry about it. Your true friends are the ones that are with u through everything, rough times to !

  3. maybe it is because you haven't taken time to really get to know any of them. You need to find someone you can tell your secrets to and know they will be kept. It is better to have one REAL true friend than to have a million acquaintances.

  4. Well, everyone is born alone and everyone will die alone. Even our own shadows abandon us in darkness, so how can we expect friends to be there for u? Not everyone is destined to have great friends, I have none, but I dont care, just dont brood over this, keep yourself busy with some work or events, like reading books, net surfing, music, etc. And yes, remember- every person's best friend is his own self.  

  5. whats your question?

  6. Just think of it like this, who would come and actually hang out with you at the hospital if you're sick? If you can name them, then they are real friends.

    Those who don't, they are just friends you talk to, say hi to.

    Also, in life it is hard to obtain a good true friend.

    But if you want a true friend, you have to start by being one :)

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