
I feel like I have already lived in another time. Why is that? I can Identify alot with Egypt.?

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Usually I have like flash backs of being in Egypt in that God times where everyone used to wear all that acient attire. The music is very pleasing like if I heard it before. I don't know why this happens to me But is crazy how I can feel this way if I am from Puerto Rico and raised there. I am only 24 years old which that would be impossible for me to live in those times. Sometimes I feel like I incomplete and missing something. There are times that I am desperately wanting to go visit and see how would I feel there in the middle of pyramids, ancient museums, etc.. I hope someone could help me figure out what should I do. I have been told that you might be living in someone elses spirt or body however you may say that. its is really strange. Well any advice would be nice.




  1. Maybe you have a bit of an obsession with Egypt's history and culture. That happens to lot's of people. I am Puerto Rican to, and my kids father is Egyptian. My kids are over there now. I been there too. Egypt is not as you see on TV. It is very different than the TV depicts. Egypt is a Muslim country. They have Christian Coptic too, but the majority of the people are Muslim.

  2. Some people do believe that they've had previous lives. As no one can prove it's untrue, it's still a possibility. My mum had deja vu when she was visiting Venice and Verona...very odd sensation.

    It could just be a feeling that you have which doesn't actually mean anything. Just a feeling and no more than that.

    It could be a strong interest which has developed into these thoughts. I had a similar thing with the 1960s. I think you're especially vulnerable to that kind of thing if you feel alienated and left out from the modern world. Maybe you're subconsciously looking for somewhere to fit in?

    You could try that past regression thing - it supposedly tells you your past experiences.

    You could go to Egypt on your next holiday and see how you feel then.

    You could ignore it and see if the feeling and interest goes away.

  3. Imagination is a h**l of a drug.

  4. There have always been people who feel like they have lived before, and others who believe it.  There is a form of hypnotic regression geared toward attempting to retrieve past life memories.  I do not know if any doctors who do this would be available to you, or if you feel strongly enough to attempt it. I have a feeling it might be expensive.

    On the other hand, is there any reason why you could not save up and give yourself a vacation like you talk about, to go and see the things you want to see? Sounds like it would be fun.  

  5. Well, this experiences are called "déjà vu". It is French and means "already seen". Many people have such feelings or experiences in their lifetime. But there also are people that never have them. Scientists (especially psychologists) are working on that topic for a very long time. But until today, they haven't found a real reason why we have such feelings or flashbacks. Personally, I believe in reincarnation (that we already have lived one or several lifes before) as it is taught in buddhism for example. This would mean that for just a second or so, our soul tries to remind us to some experience we had in a previous life. But as nobody knows it exactly of course it also just could be a totally "rational" reason, something going on in our brain.

    I also have such experiences from time to time. Not a lot though. One time, I was in York (England) and I was just walking along some small street in the center of the town. Suddenly, I started to feel very weird. But I can't explain it exactly. It was just, as I would have walked along this street for thousands of times, as I would know every inch of it - even though I was in England for my very first time! I also felt like I knew the surrouding area very well. I stopped for a minute and I felt like behind the next corner, there would be a small church with some trees in front of it. But it was more than that. It somehow was like a clear picture. Like you'd look at some photo! And when I went around the corner, everything just looked like I expected it. It was very, very odd and sorta like in a dream. But yeah, that are déjà vus.

    Maybe you'd like to read about it on wikipedia. I think they've got some interesting stuff about that. Just check it out if you like :-)

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