
I feel like I have no purpose!?(sorry its long)?

by Guest33434  |  earlier

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Ever since my family moved three years ago my family has been having some problems. We were before but now its more apparent to my mom. Well I dont want to be out with the family. These past two years I've been locking myself in my room to be on the computer or listen to music or something. It doesn't matter I just dont want to be out. I also dread going to school but the odd thing is once I get there I'm fine and have a blast but as soon as I get home I lock myself up. My parents just think Im obsessed with computer or Im anitsocial or something but I really dont thing thats it. Well this past year, I haven't liked talking on the phone or hanging out with friends. . And the thing is I like art and writing but I just dont want to do it. At all. Now I feel like I have no purpose in life and every day just flys by and Im one day closer to death and Im not doing anything useful. Sometimes I cry for no reason at night. I know I need to get out there but the thought of going outside makes




  1. Yes, the things you are going through are really stressful and extremely tough. But these things happen.

    Almost EVERY person has to go through these type of situations.

    It's all part of being a teenager and growing up.

    But about what you were saying about how close you feel to death and about how you have no prupose.... All you need to do is find a purpose, find something to live for, find something to fight for.


  2. It sounds like your having a tough time. I can't do much but to encourage you to talk to a God who loves you, Jesus Christ, and wants to have a relationship with you. One of my most favorite verses in the bible is " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29: 11. God doesn't wish hopelessness and feelings of abandonment on you, actually it's quite the opposite! God's plan for his people are good not bad! No matter how bad things are going for, remember that God has good things in store for you, you just have to believe it.

  3. yes it's hard being a teenager but it's even harder being an adult only you can change your life around - it seems to me like you miss your mum coz she's either at work or asleep & thats OK maybe you feel like she doesnt pay you enough attention anymore?? you need to talk with your mum or an adult you can trust this is to much for you to be taking on your own! what you do need to remember though (& i'm not being mean) is that there are a lot of people out there which are far worse off than you, children that have no one at all - try to look at the big picture you have a lot of growing to do & in a few years you will have probably changed your views on heaps of things - hang in there & talk about your feelings (not shout)dont keep them all bottled up maybe thats what makes you cry at night?? & as for the weight thing that will probably go up & down for a while till you stop growing properly. dont worry so much, things will sort themselves out!!!! x

  4. i know what ur going through, at leased to some extent, or more

    ur depressed

    no other word for it

    IM me

    iv been dealing with this for a while and might have some advice

    edit: sry to say this but i would suggest not telling ur school. because although they say u can tell them anything, its a good risk that they will tell ur parents (they did to me ) (unless u want ur parents to find out)

  5. You should ask your mom to seek therapy.  You need professional help with this.  Please!

  6. ok I'm missing said something about 'problems'? sounds like a typical teenager to me, you'll grow out of it, don't make such a big fuss over little things. you can get out as much as you like. GET A JOB that will turn your life around :)

  7. it sounds like your suffering from agoraphobia and depression, or just bad depression, if i was you id sit down and talk with my mum, or whoever else im closest too, and maybe get and appointment with your GP (doctor)

  8. You are suffering from depression, sweetheart, and you need to go and get help. At least talk to your mum and if you can't do that, speak to a member of staff at school our a counsellor if you have them. Don't let this continue - I know it will be tough speaking to someone, especially if your friends think you are happy. You are still young so don't feel as though your life is passing you by. But, there is only ONE person that can start to point you in the right direction and that is you. Be strong, take a deep breath, confront the fear and speak to someone. It will help, I promise!

  9. i have been there and done that...and it's hard to get through on your own. Ask someone to help you or if its too embarassing to talk about just find a hotline you can call that helps people in your situation. You may be starting to go through the changes of life and as long as you get help now you can fix it...also is there family problems you're going through? That may have something to do with how you feel.

  10. Ok, heres the thing, you DONT need professional help, you DONT need a therapist, you need time. Your a hormonal teenager. Join the club honey. I feel the same way sometimes. You SHOULD ask your DOCTOR (normal doc. you go to get a check up with) to check all 3 of your hormone levels. You could be depressed, maybe.

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