
I feel like I messed up a job interivew. Is there anything you'd consider a deal breaker?

by Guest66676  |  earlier

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I was just nervous. Can you name some things that a person could do on an interview that would make you not hire them?





    just being nervous doesn't mean u have not answered well or employer is not going to hire you.above i have attached the address were u can really get your answer the question asked by employer before employing the staff.

  2. Just because you feel like you messed up doesn't mean you did. Most interviewers know that people will be nervous, and allow them to make a few slip-ups, or forgive their mistakes.

    I did an interview, once, and didn't get anything right. They would ask a question, and I would give my answer. The interviewer would correct me, and tell me what he thought was the right answer. I got hired at the job, and it turned out that they weren't looking for the right answers but people that thought on their own, and didn't give the answer they were looking for.  

  3. I don't have any advice, except to say that I went to one interview a few years ago where I blanked out in the middle of answering a question. She called me on it and said I didn't look nervous to her. Whatever, I didn't want to work there anyway.

    Good luck!

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