
I feel like I need to help EVERYONE. How can I? I'm confused...Best answer in four hours! Click here please!!?

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I've grown up my whole life with my mom. She's a great person, but she has no money. Tons of Americans are in debt, and I want to help everyone. My mom had a baby. She's made some very very stupid decisions, but she does her best. She's now single, and has three kids. Me, 13, my sister, 12, and my baby sister who's 4 1/2. Now, she's in the process of trying to get child support, but mean time, she can't afford to put her baby in daycare. Because my mom is a personal assistant, and her boss works mainly from his house, and is hardly ever in the office, it's easier for her leave the office. Since she can't afford daycare, she leaves the office and takes care of her baby. She's all alone and only makes about $14.00 an hour. By saying she's all alone I mean she doesn't have any family except for her kids and her step father, but that's kinda another story. Our car can get taken away at anytime because she can't afford the payment and her step dad is rich. He owns a house that he lets us stay in for free. My mom is suppose to pay him rent, but we can't afford evn the slim $500.00 a month deal he's giving us. Things are getting tense, and he's getting impatient. He wants to start getting rent, but really, she can't afford it. My mom can't go back to school. She says it seems she's never going to get ahead in life. Which I can understand thinking that. When I get older, I would like to have a huge company to help people. Like temporary housing shelters, counselors, financial counselors, free childcare, and programs to help working single parents go back to school. I really want to help people, because some people work and work their whole lives to just barely make it. They never get ahead, and I want to help! How can I? What are some jobs that make good money? I'm planning on going to college...duh. Haha, anyways, so jobs? Nothing in the medical fiels though please, but I actually am considering becoming a pharmicist. I want to use my money to help make the world a better place. I know I'll change the world some way, but how can I do this?




  1. ok well make sure that in the day or night time or since its summer (and trust me i know u wanna go out with ur friends), but u and ur sister need 2 watch ur little 4 year old sis so ur mom doesn't have 2 spend money on day care.

    ur mom could b a;



    -stock broker

    -own her own company

    -work 4rom home (she can take care of yall, and still b home)


    just try, and make sure u and ur sibs help her out a lot.

    but uh... start getting a job around 15 or whatever, and start saving up 4 college.

  2. First of all, you need to understand that you shouldnt be worrying about any of this. But it is nice that you care enough about your mom and family to want to do your best. So here's some ideas.

    Do well in school. The better you do, the better chance you have of getting your college education paid for, which would help immensely!

    Don't pester your mom for stuff such as abercrombie clothes, etc.

    Babysit. you're old enough. i'm not saying that you should give your mom all the money you make, i'm saying you should save that money for things you'd like to have (see #2) but you know aren't in the cards right now.

    Stop worrying. You are to young to let all this bother you. stress can cause horrible things to your body, so relax! your mom is an adult, and will find a way to make things work!

  3. You could be a psycholigist they make pretty good money or you could be a dentist or a doctor or a gynecologist or a actor or singer and then you could donate tons of money to all kinds of things what you are doing is really nice and even tough i dont know you if i were your mom i would say that i am very proud of your for wanting to help people like that it takes only special people in the world with a heart like yours to make the world a better place

  4. I'm actually considering pharmacy myself..

    But um, at your age it's kind of hard to help much. I mean, you have to wait until you're 16 to work at most places, although you can find places to work at 15. If your step-grandfather would allow it, you could baby sit, or maybe you could cut grass..

    Last year I was a freshman in high school, and I had to take this class called "Education for Career". In all honesty, I thought it was pointless, but I guess it will allow me to help you a little bit on this question. Check out the links I've provided in my sources. I think they will be of help to you.

    Good luck to you and your family and keep your head up. :)

  5. Well, since you're 13, try babysitting, gain money by walking dogs or something that helps. Give some of the money to your mom and keep at least 4 dollars every time you make money, it adds up to a lot. Being a pharmacist is a great idea, but you have such a long time until college. Keep thinking of other ways to help your family. My prayers are with you.

  6. Well with your attitude and outlook on it all anything is possible. I wish there were more people like you in the world.

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