
I feel like a 23 year old loser?

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I'm a 23 year old male. I moved out of my parents house at age 18. I lived on my own for 6 years, got a Associate of science in electronic engineering (What was I thinking!?) started working. I never liked my occupation and only took electronic engineering because my brother was pursuing his degree (Which he failed to accomplish) and my parents insisted I be like him.

Anyway, I quit my job, moved 400 miles back home and I immediately got into college again. I'm going for a business transfer degree to Florida probably, and get a BS or MBA in business administration with options in accounting, international business and entrepreneurship.

I'm just really down right now, because I have NO friends here anymore! No girlyfriend and no GOD d**n MONEY! My parents keep encouraging me to join the military but I say NO dammit, I say NO!

I suppose they are making me feel really down, because I can't magically *snap* my ******* fingers and be making 150k +

Should I stop whining and push it to the limit, or should I join the military and become a ghost?

AHH where is my confidence gone?




  1. Stay confident and trust your instincts.. The military is a huge commitment and not something you can get out of once you sign a contract. I would say continue going to school and pursue your dreams-you are still very young!

    I'm 21 and finishing school in a year and a half. I really want to be working and making money but I am sticking with college until I graduate.

  2. Dont worry you will probably be fine. Everyone goes through things like this when they have no money, friends, or confidence.  If you join the military for a while they might pay for your college and it will be one less financial burden.  It could even help you gain more confidence and make friends.  Good luck.  

  3. There are guys your age who not only are going to college and supporting themsevles at the same time, but also raising a family or supporting a wife too. You have no job, you live at don't have to make 150,000 - how about at least 32,000 or even 25,000 to start out so you can support yourself without having to live at your parents. If you can't do that, maybe you do need the military! Just being real. After college I lost my first job and moved home, but my mom gave me two weeks to find another job and to move out. She would even tape classified job ads on my door and bug me about it 24/7 but hey it worked and I have never moved back home since. If she was "nice" and let me stay home unemployed I know I'd end up feeling like you are right now. In the meantime instead of feeling bad, focus on what you steps you can take to improve your situation. Even small steps will help you get your confidence back. Do some engineering work on the side or work as a clerk in a convenience store - whatever it takes to be more productive and financially more independent. Also, in the future never quit your job unless you have another one lined up. You can't not work just because you don't feel like it or don't like your job!!!! That's what half the population has to do. I rarely meet someone who loves going to their work. I'm now very well off but in the past I've even worked at McDonald's and am proud of it - while a vegetarian at that. I hated the food and even got a burn on my arm from the fry rack as a memento.

    Edit:   I hope  my answer's not too harsh, i just want what's best for you and for you to feel good about yourself. I have a brother your age who has moved back home too and my mom's being very accomodating and it's not helping him, I just speak from my own experience and how if it wasn't for tough love, which my mom doesn't do towards my brother as if she likes him more, you might not move ahead.


    as long you don't work in McDonald's, then you're not a loser.

  5. Dude, don't feel bad, tons of people hit bumps in the road like this.  I think the question you need to ask yourself is what do YOU want to major in?  You'll never be happy if just try to please everyone else.

  6. Hey man... I am 23 too... I went about it the other way... I started grad school when i was 20... in 9 months i will get my phd in which point i will move to a postdoc and earn 47K a year. We're both sucks...and you know what...i am a virgin. I want to escape from the ivory tower...i want to succeed in life...but I know I am defeated. So you're not alone... I am secretly planning to find some minimum wage job and work out the rest of my life. I dont want to show anyone my face again. You do that as well...who cares what happens to us... we're all going to die someday. Just serve your time in the world and get out.  

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