I'm a 23 year old male. I moved out of my parents house at age 18. I lived on my own for 6 years, got a Associate of science in electronic engineering (What was I thinking!?) started working. I never liked my occupation and only took electronic engineering because my brother was pursuing his degree (Which he failed to accomplish) and my parents insisted I be like him.
Anyway, I quit my job, moved 400 miles back home and I immediately got into college again. I'm going for a business transfer degree to Florida probably, and get a BS or MBA in business administration with options in accounting, international business and entrepreneurship.
I'm just really down right now, because I have NO friends here anymore! No girlyfriend and no GOD d**n MONEY! My parents keep encouraging me to join the military but I say NO dammit, I say NO!
I suppose they are making me feel really down, because I can't magically *snap* my ******* fingers and be making 150k +
Should I stop whining and push it to the limit, or should I join the military and become a ghost?
AHH where is my confidence gone?