
I feel like a loser.. HELP.. want to come out of it.. plzzz

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i am 20.. and i feel extremely low about myself.. i know this is called low self esteem.. i guess i have low self esteem to the extreme.. its like wen i look at myself in the mirror i feel i look good(i am really very pretty) but the moment i step out in the world i start feeling negative about myself.. if i spot a wierd looking female somewhere.. i start feeling tht i look as bad or as fat as her( im not fat).. another thing.. im a loner.. as in i have very few frnds.. just one or two.. one of the reason is i dont gel with evrybody.. nd since i am better looking than the most.. many girls r jealous.. they r so bitchy so i stay away from them.. the prob is i want to have loads of friends to have fun with.. when i feel groups of friends hanging out i feel sad tht i dnt have friends.. guess im shy.. but u knw.. wen people look at me.. the first thing they say is im so smart n confident.. i mean its all so confusing.. ive become more of a negative persn after my recent break up with my bf.. he always made me feel tht im inferior indirectly n that there r so m any better girls around him.. i dumped him but couldnt dump these negative feelings..

the third thing.. i am pretty easy on chit chatting wid someone over the phone or face to face with a single person.. but when there is a group im one of the quitest person sitting like sum furniture.. u wouldnt believe how much i wish to add something to the conversation.. but i just dnt get anything.. and when my frnds see tht im sittin quite they ask me if anything is wrong n all.. n i feel soo embarassed then.. somewhere back of my mind im so preoccupied with thoughts like what people think im stupid or a jerk or someone whos not so cool.. i get so much into the worries tht i dnt get time to think of something to talk about.. help me.. how do i get ot of it.. i feel trapped in the web.. i want to be a free minded person.. i dont care type personality.. i was like tht 2 yrs back.. im the opposite now!!! SORRY ITS LONG BUT I NEED HELP DESPERATELY




  1. i wish we could be together

  2. Sweetie,  You aren't stupid !  You are smart enough to ask for input into your life...That says a lot about you.

    If you will work on your own self confidence by many different ways, you will become the person you want to become. None of us have arrived but we are all working toward being a more informed person.

    I wish you would get this personalized book for yourself and see how it will impact your life in every area. You are special ! You should not be like everyone else.  You are made for a specific purpose and have a destiny to fulfill. See all the info you can get that builds you up and doesn't tear you down. You can build yourself up !  This personalized book is full of positive affirmations about YOU>  Has you own name throughout the whole book. It is a powerful tool to build your confidence in yourself. What you think you are, you will become !

    This is sort of a devotional type book with positive affirmations about YOU !  You can read a coule of pages per day and see and feel the difference. You have to FEED the positive.  We all have that problem and has to work on it. Believe me we all do !  Get yourself this book, it is highly recommended by great sources to improve your thought life about YOU !  You are important.  You can get this book as well as CD's in the site I list below.  I love these products and have all of them as of today ....Blessings to you today !  You can do it !!!  It's not what someone else thinks about you that is important.  What do you think about you !  Make it better,  OK?  

  3. i know exactly how you just like that.  well, i found it best to ignore what everyone else thinks.  if you think you look good, then you do.  

    it doesnt matter how many friends you have as long as they are always there for you.  you can tell them anything and be able to trust them.

    stop thinking about what other people think. get in on the conversation.  

    i know its not much, but i hope it helps.

  4.   Hello,

      Firstly most of the society values are dumb today. Even you believe that you are in a free country, most of your freedom you see, is mostly the models (stereotypes) you fight with.

      The fact that you look pretty makes you sometimes to compare with other persons and to make a competition, that will always be the central point of your target friendships. The most of today society goes in the same bad direction. My first advice, is to keep your identity. The difference between a girl and a woman (as matter of maturity) is that the girl looks for a boy as being good looking and that boy selects her only for that, when a woman is a person that a man should feel confident and have long-term plans.

       Being YOU will make you to know that you have value. Jesus being himself, in a society with no values, makes Him so important, even as a human. All big personalities, which follow their dreams are as important because they did not follow the same stereotypes. Being for some time not hanged out, does not mean that no-one loves you, and even so, does not mean that the person that loves you, expects from you more than to get a s*x-mate. Getting youself with a strong image and personality will make you to became more attractive for a man who wants "to win something" instead to get a silly girl to enjoy only some moments.

       Even being quiet, means to be you, in your group. If you think that you want to improve that, you may try to improve youself as saying a joke. Search from web to get a good joke (every time other one :D) and make everyone to get your attention. Anyway, being in a group should not mean that you should take the lead and put all focus on you, sometimes is not so important, and if you feel confident being quiet, try to be quiet only because you are in that way.

        So, as a post-note, you have VALUE by being YOU, and try yourself to keep as much as you can to be you. Being a loner for now will be rewarded by finding a confident boyfriend and that you will appreciate the friendship from anyone else than a voyageur.

      Try to keep who you are because, really, I am one kind of persons that I am looking for a girlfriend that is lovely and confident, and when I found someone as you are, I say: Oh, what a treasure!

      Hope it helps,


  5. I think you should see a therapist..cuz you already know what people are going to tell you to try to help you. If you dont want to see a therapist then the only thing is to just ignore yourself. concentrate on the person or people around you. everyone is the same way they just dont think about it much cuz they are engage in whatever they are doinging. also do some research. and you do have to push yourself to get out there..its like riding a learn as you go.  like everything else. yes easier said than done..but doable. so good luck.

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