
I feel like a piece of me is missing, can anyone relate to this?

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I feel as though when I was put together there was something left out. Other people seem to "get" things before I do, and live their lives in a more carefree way. I find it difficult to find any peace in my life. I'm always tense, on edge, cynical and mistrustful. I can't comfort myself to get off to sleep and at the moment I'm relying on sleeping pills. I've been to confidence and assertiveness training, but nothing seems to work. I don't want to see myself as a victim, but when I am right and my rights are abused, when I get angry and try to fight it always seems to be so futile. The situation continues and I just have to live with it. Is there any way out of this labyrinth of pain and suffering other than suicide?




  1. You need to chill  

  2. think of the bigger picture, and what you want, set a goal and go for it.  Those obstacles in your way, are just that, go around, over, under or through them without hurting anyone including yourself, so you can attain the reality of knowing that you can achieve anything you want as long as you put your mind to could happen.

  3. We are all victims of something - it's so easy to blame "something".

    Just be assured that you are unique!  That is a wonderful feeling!

    Don't see it as pain and suffering - just as life lessons!

    You are better than suicide (I am too).

    Look at life (not just yours or just human life - ALL life) as amazing!

    Ask questions - why does this do that...etc and then find the answer!

  4. well, i definately wouldnt go to suicide. thatd be absolutely stupid. but i think i can relate to you. its hard to explain. but i think i know what you mean.  

  5. I know exactly how you feel. I also have a failed suicide attempt behind me. I felt for a long time and sometimes still do that the world was against me and that if I ever wanted anything I always had to fight for it. Sometimes there is not enough energy left to fight and you wonder how on earth you can carry on. I let things build up and thought exactly how you do. My children were 1 and 3 at the time and I had been through h**l. I was all alone with the children, I had been beaten and raped, threatened and I couldn't even go outside my own front door on my own. I have been to three different sets of counselling, I have met someone new and I think I am much better although I still always see the bad in every situation.

    Before you try anything like suicide, try counselling.  

  6. Many people feel the same. You need to stop looking at the whole picture. Just take each day as it comes. Do you're best. Live in the now!! We are all human and all have times when we are low and fed up with things.

    Stop being so hard on yourself.

    Talk with good friends how you feel and let out some of those pent up feelings.

    Talking really does help.

    Wishing you the best of luck. Remember stop being so hard on yourself!

  7. Wow, can I relate to that! You describe the very same way I felt for years. It did not seem to matter how hard I tried or even if I tried at all, I just never could seem to find a way to feel at peace within myself. I was a good enough person and I always tried to do my best but something always just felt like it was off somehow.

    I read every self help book I could get my hands on and I too was in need of medication to help me control my sleep and at times my emotions during the day as well. It was so exhausting and frustrating all the time. I tried as you said, to stand up for myself and do what I thought was right, but in the end, it never really seemed to matter much.

    I tried soooo many things to get myself feeling better. I tried religion, volunterring, meditation, medication, avoidance, (of everything I could possible avoid), you name it. What I finally realized, was that perhaps I needed to figure out WHY I was always feeling this way and stop trying to just fix it.

    What I found has helped me so much and honestly it has changed my life. I came to an understanding of why I was never satisfied with not only myself, but with everything else around me as well. I simply could not see the value in things, I felt much like you do . At times the pain and suffering was simply overwhelming.

    I have linked a short video if you are interested in watching it. It explains just what you are talking about and a way to change it. I hope it helps you in finding the answers you are searching for. It really helped me. Good luck and I wish you the best!  

  8. I found my peace through my belief in God.

    God created each one of us differently (custom made with special gifts and talents) and He didn't leave a thing out.

    You're perfect just the way you are.

    However, each one of has some character flaws we need to correct.

    And, that's my purpose here is to correct them and become the best human being I can be.

    God is able to help with anything!

    All things are possible with God.

    God loves the broken hearted.

    Prayer works. Ask God to help you with whatever you need.

    That's what I do.

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