
I feel like a reject.?

by  |  earlier

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I feel like a total reject. I want to ask people out for coffee or drinks and yet, I'm scared of rejection. I feel so ugly too! I may not be a stud or a jock. However, I'm decent looking :'( Any advice? Thank you.




  1. Go for it.If you live your life scared of rejection you'll never get anywhere with anyone.Sometimes people will say no,you can't be everyone's type!

  2. you should just go for it really caus you wont know until you try

    I have confidence issuses and I am just adjusting my character so that I can become more confident I was even afraid to invite people to facebook thats how bad it was so you just gor for it

    the wotst that could happen is that they say no. and if they do just keep asking people. thats how you build your confidence and learn more !

    hope this has helped

  3. You suffer from a sever case of LOW SELF ESTEEM!!  If you don't feel good about yourself how can you expect anyone else too?  Looks aren't everything.  As a matter of fact I would rather date a ugly person that will love you forever than date a handsome man that I will have problem with cause some one else will think he's handsome too.  I might have to fight.

  4. dont be so shy & just go for it.

    youu never know whats going to happen until you try.

    & no one can give you self confidence but yourself.

  5. I think the best advice anyone could ever give you would be to just go for it. Life is too short to worry about these things. You only live life once, you might as well live life to the full!


  6. Just do it. Well if you get rejected so what, there are millions more who might say yes.

  7. just go for it. get over urself and go for it.

  8. the key is finding happiness within''

    so you say you're decent looking... well that's  a start,

    and what's the harm in asking,,, okay so maybe someone says "no" move on, if you never ask anyone the ones who are going to say yes will never get the chance to actually say "yes" :)
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