
I feel like a stalker but...?

by  |  earlier

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How do I talk to this guy? My sister's BF has a brother and me and him both like each other but my sister and her boyfriend aren't really happy about it. They feel "weird". Or so my sister says. I saw him at his work and we talked and I forgot to give him my number (he even asked for it =/) and I saw him going to work the other day. How do I get in touch with him so we can hang out?




  1. dude he's like practically your brother in law... well not really but still...

  2. Just bump into him again and say hi.

  3. get his bebo/myspace

    wait till you bump into him again, or get his house number out your sisters phone...

  4. you shouldn't feel like a stalker; if he likes you

    just go to his work and give it to him?

    or give it to your sisters boyfriend to give to him.

  5. Well, you saw him at his work the first time? whats stopping you from going back there and saying "Hey!! I forgot to give you my number last time!" and pass it on to him, he'll get a clear idea that you are showing interest, and it'll definitely perk his if he has a crush on you!

  6. ok.....well i will talk about the sister and everything else later!k...when u see him talk then remind yourself while ur talking to give him ur number!when u guys r done go but leave a paper with him that says ur number!cute!i know!

    ok ur sister is worried about what if u break up and the brother tells the other brother but afterward she is going to get a call saying from the bf "uh i kinda can't date u anymore!"guys r like that!he will feel sorry for u two to see each other when the bf gf is alone and the brother will see u and there will be drama!ok i am really was supposed to go like "hi (other sister...)"u run downstairs and asked the bf r u and his brother still on for dinner plans!they just feel like ur steping into there privacy!but ignore them and go for it!sorry if this is coming out wrong!lolz!:)

  7. Go back to his work and get his number. That way you can contact each other easily and can casually ask him to hang out somewhere.

    Good Luck


  8. Just give him your number when you see him again.

  9. Maybe "bump" into him at his work sometime and ask him if he would like to do something together sometime.  If you have something in common suggest that.

  10. Who cares what ur sister thinks? U like this guy and he appears to like u, then give him ur digits next time u see him.. or yeah, steal it from ur sister, that will teach her!!

  11. if he comes to your work again, be sure to ask for his number, next time you see him just make sure he knows you are interested.

  12. Send a fax to his work - State u forgot to give your number to him. State that you were preoccupied as he is probably feeling super stupid as you may have over-looked his request... But fax your number to him and see what happens. It might make his day - and communication and perception will be re-evaluated by him. Then you can figure it from there.... As for your sister and them - leave them out of the picture and see what happens.

  13. lmao.

    i always feel like a stalker because i am always looking people up and trying to find them on myspace/myyearbook/facebook.

  14. i get it that u like him, but remember...sisters are forever....guys come and guys go....dont s***w her over!! be careful!!! g-luck!

  15. get his fone number of ur sisters fone x;...;...

  16. if thats you in your avatar you can stalk me anytime.

  17. Ask your sister to get over it and if she wont give up the number, look in her cell phone or on caller ID

  18. Since your sister is not happy about it , ask her boyfriend....Or just give him your number and say will you ask your brother to call me ..Being a man, he will pass the number  

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