
I feel like a terrible person! Plz don't judge me.....?

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I got my first 2 gerbils in January 07. One died about summer 07 from a cold, so i got 2 more for my old one in january 08 and they have all been best friends ever since. My dad didn't want me to get gerbils, but eventually i got him to say yes. My mom pretty much all for whatever i want to do(she's the easy one.)

Well, basically they aren't the kinda pets i thought they would be. I did SO much research before i got them, and i got the idea they were 'friendly, social, and loved to be held' wrong! they hate being held. at first i thought it would just take a lot of time to tame them but it's been like 2 years with one of them and i can't even pick them up without them runnin' all over the place! i want a pet that is calm and easy to hold and cuddle with. However, now i'm kinda stuck with them. That sounds mean but i was very much misinformed about how easy it would be to 'tame' them. Anyways i feel awful that i feel this way about them.






  1. Gerbils will live for around 2-3 years. Rats around 2-2 and a half years. I understand your situation, but I think once you get a pet, you make a commitment to them for the rest of their lives. I am pleased that you are not planning to dump them and get rats straightaway, because so many animals are dumped because owners dont want them any more. Bear in mind though, that rats need considerably more room, excercise and stimulation. They are very intelligent and need lots more attention. They will need a much bigger cage too. Good luck, rats are very cute and very friendly.

  2. Don't worry, for feeling bad about this won't solve anything. I agree with whoever mentioned Craig's List. Try that, and good luck!

  3. whoever informed you that gerbils were cuddley pets were idiots!!!

  4. no you arent a bad person.....  I feel the same way about my hammies and I want rats D:  I would never give them up though...  when they're gone im going to beg for rats :P

    just so you know, its a stereotype that dumbo rats are calmer than normal rats.  but you can cuddle with rats.  you can cuddle with the males better than the females.  I dont know if you thought dumbos were calmer, but it kind of implyed that way so i just mentioned it.

    i found this whole article about how dumbos were the same as normal rats except their ears were 'misshapen'  and that they were stereotyped to be calmer because some people thought of them more of pets(because they were cuter) and thought of normal rats as snake food not pets.  i found it on google if you want to check.

  5. Ok. I'm not going to judge you because you seem very caring. I think you should take them back to the place you got them or take them to a small animal shelter. It is fine to have an animal and now want another. I had a frog and I took it back to the pet shop and got a chamelon that I really didn't like. But I took care of it until it died. You could try selling them or giving them to the shelter like I said before. Then get the rats after you give them away.

  6. Whoever told you gerbils loved to be held was completely wrong! They are friendly and social, though. What have you tried to tame them? Have you tried setting a towel down in the bath tub, sitting in there, and letting them run around? Do you try to handle them every single day for at least 15 minutes? Gerbils are quick little buggers and would much rather run around than be held. Even my gerbils will not tolerate me holding and cuddling them for too long. They, however, will jump into my hand from time to time and let me pet and kiss them for a few minutes before they want to explore again.

    I don't think you're a horrible person for wanting a different pet. However, I would think you were a horrible person if you wanted to get rid of your gerbils just so you could get rats.

    Rats are wonderful pets. They're often referred to the dogs of the rodent world. They're very intelligent. They can learn to come to their name, be taught tricks, learn to ride on your shoulder, etc. They're, generally, very affectionate and love their humans.

    Pets are a commitment. When you got your gerbils, you made a commitment to care for them for their entire lives. It's responsibility. The best you can do for them is keep working with them. Find ways to tame them, and care for them properly. When the newness of a pet wears off, you shouldn't just give them up and get a new one. What happens if the newness wears off of those pets?

    I have two gerbils, and I love them to pieces. They're not cuddly. They don't like to be held for long periods of time. If tamed, though, they can be great pets. Obviously it's not fun having a pet that has to stay in its cage all the time. That's also no life for an animal.

    Just keep your gerbils and work with them. Think of it as a huge project to earn their trust and get to the point where you can hold them. Don't give up on them. Then, as your mom said, when your gerbils are gone, you can get rats.

    There's also the option of giving them up to a shelter or rehoming them yourselves. This, I feel, is an extreme decision and should not be made just because you haven't tried hard enough to tame them or you want them gone to get a new pet. Only consider this if you can no longer properly care for them.

  7. It's not wrong to want different pets, and it's not wrong to realize that one species is not quite what you thought.  I know there are some animals that I will likely never get again (dwarf hamsters, any kind of bird).

    What would be wrong is if you were to dump off your responsibility because you got bored.  You willingly got gerbils and committed to looking after them for life.  They are your responsibility and you owe it to them to give them the care and attention they deserve.  You don't get to return them because they're not exactly what you thought they would be.  Shelters are jam packed with animals that people have abandoned because they just weren't "fun" anymore.

    Many rats are cuddly and enjoy interaction, but some do not.  I've had love rats who will cuddle and I've had rats that would really prefer that I never touch them.  You'll need a much, much, much bigger cage for rats.  They have different needs than gerbils and require a ton of socialization.  They will need to be played with *every* single day.  Are you sure that this is something you want to do?

    I'm not saying this to be mean, but I hope you will consider it carefully.  If you find that you are quickly tired of your pets, like you have been with your gerbils, then now might not be the best time for you to get pets. Maybe see about volunteering at a shelter, or fostering animals.  That way you get the fun playing part without the lifetime commitment.

    Please, if you do decide to get rid of your gerbils then try to find a reputable rescue in your area.  Or else try to find a no kill shelter, make sure that they apply the no kill policy to rodents as well as dogs and cats.  If you advertise online for them then closely screen the homes.  Make sure you get to see what kind of cage they'll have, where they will be in the house, and what the people are willing to spend on vet bills.

  8. I think you should sell your gerbils and go ahead and get those rats I have a friend who loves her rats.

  9. I own rats and they are great but some are extremely active and just want to run around and not cuddle, they are very very intelligent and need their play area changed all the time or else they will get bored, males are more docile and will sit on your lap etc but you can't garrentee this. You could get a rat or a guinea pig. Guinea pigs tend to sit on your lap more and just cuddle so they are nice. However for the moment care for the pets you have now, and be patient until you can get the pet you really want later on. This will show your parents you are committed even though these aren't the pets you were hoping for and hopefully will allow you to get a pet that would be more suitable.

    Also dont just consider furry creatures, birds (hand reared from a breeder) are great and bird owners really get quite attatched to their birds, However depending on the breed and species some live for a long time especcially parrots so you would have to look into each species and what you would be prepared for and whether your parents would be willing to care for them if you moved overseas or far away once you leave school.

    Do you already have a cat? If you don't and you dont have a dog you could adopt an older cat from your local animal shelter. Older cats often don't get rehomed because kittens are always chosen first, but old cats make lovely pets ad will keep you hours of company and cuddle time. YOu could also choose a cat that has a playful personality so they continue to play when they are old. However cats cost more to care for.

    I would hang on to your gerbals to prove to your parents you aren't a quitter. I had rats when I was a teenager and didn't get bored with them so I think you maybe need to learn some self-disciplin. On the other hand I think you need to have that love for them to have the motivation to give them all the attention they need so if you really are unhappy and they are't receiving the best care. you could always advertise in the paper, your local pet shop and vet that you are looking for a good home for your gerbils.

  10. its fine to feel this way- but go out there and find some really fun toys! it also helps to find a gerbil club. this will keep you interested for the time being. maybe a friend would like them? you could also post them on  its a classifieds site. select your area (new york or whatever) and the you write- 3 nice gerbils- and then put a price. give a description and contact, and maybe someone in your area will want them!

  11. You're not a terrible person at all.  It's too bad that pet store did not give you the proper information on your animals.  

    I suggest craigslist.  I had a really good experience re-homing 2 unfriendly rabbits I once had.  They are now in loving homes.

  12. Can you put an ad on craigslist maybe to have them adopted to someone else who might want gerbils?   Then you can have rats and a new family who likes gerbils can enjoy them. It's a win-win for everyone (especially the gerbils)

  13. Your not being mean, everyone has their likes and dislikes and those can change. If I had pet gerbils that were like that and I liked a different animal I would want the other animal. If you don't want the gerbils anymore, take them to a pet shop were they can be kept together and if they cant, relinquish their cage and supplies to a humane society. That way they can be together and will feel more comfortable. Or you could give them to a friend or family member that will take all three and you know will take good care of them. Then you could get yourself a rat. They can learn tricks and things like that and are social and good lap buddies!

  14. Gerbils do take research before buying sounds like you are not a grown up and therefore you should not feel as bad as your parents whom allowed you to have them in the first place.  Secondly rats are another bad choice, too close to gerbils for your memory to kick in.  Want a smarter rodent try a guniea pig those you can cuddle or a ferret which is much much smarter and costlier to own.  guniea pigs are just right.  If you need to get the gerbils off your hands call some local vets offices alot of times they will let you post free to a loving home.  Don't consider the rat tho.

  15. my rat is the cuddliest low maintence pet ever

  16. Don't feel so bad, everybody makes mistakes. It seems like depsite the fact that you wanted a pet that was different than a gerbil, you stll maintained your duties as a pet owner and that is respectable. However, you need to understand that rats, like gerbils, are only animals. This means that they are all going to have different personalities. How do you know that when you go to pick out a rat, it won't be friendly at first? Most rats usually aren't very tame at first, especially if you get them from a pet store. I would advise you to purchase one from a reputable breeder who has handled the rats as babies, that way when you get them, they will be much friendlier than pet store rats. Also keep in mind that in order to have that cuddly, social pet that you desire, you will need to spend at least one hour everyday with the rat outside of its cage. Rats are very intelligent and constantly need mental and physical stimulation, they must be played with each day! Also take into consideration that rats are very prone to respiratory illnesses, all rats have Mycoplasma which makes them succeptible to infections. A vet bill for two rats will not be has costed me about $62-75$ for each visit. Another important thing to remember is that you can't get just one rat! YOU NEED TO GET TWO!!!! I can't stress enough how important it is for new rat owners to purchase two rats instead of just one. Rats need interaction 24/7 that you will not be able to provide, therefore, they will need another rat. I think if you spend some more time doing research about rats, you will make a great rat owner. Goodluck!

  17. ok  now Im going to sound horrible.  gerbils don't live very long, maybe 3 years if they are lucky and healthy.  So keep caring for them or find someone to care for them until they eventually die.  Girbils are very content to never have human interaction...actually they would probably prefer you not touch them so leaving them be but changing their water, bedding, food is ok.  Like fish, they won't be your best friends but you can watch them.

    Rats on the other hand.  Rats are great pets, very social, very loving, a good choice for a pet.  They also have a life span of 3 years but they can not be like gerbils and entertain themselves for eternity so make sure you really really are willing to take care of them for as long as they live.   And have a vet that you can take them to, rats get parasites and infections and cancer and toothaches and all that, hopefully you find a good breeder who has healthy ratties.  Ive had some rats that never needed more than a check up and some that have needed surgery so just keep that in mind.

  18. I'm sorry about your gerbils, and no, you aren't a terrible person for wanting them gone. You should probably put out an ad trying to sell them, or you could do what other people do and stand outside a local petsmart or petco and give them away for free to a good home. I know exactly what you mean, a few years ago I had a wonderful grackle who was SO tame and really loved me, but he got out when the other grackles were migrating. So then 2 years later I got 2 more grackles, but since these aren't kept alone, they don't like me that much. The female will sit on my hand, but the male hates being handled. They both eat from my hand and are super smart, but I do wish that they were as "cuddly" as my first one (he would sleep under the thin edge of my blanket with me). Rats are wonderful pets, we're waiting for ours to be old enough to be seperated from her mother (one of our neighbors is a breeder). Have you considered guinea pigs? They are also very cuddly (mine curl around my neck and watch tv with me) and affectionate.

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