
I feel like cutting myself again?

by Guest56646  |  earlier

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this is not for attention.

it's for help. Today wasn't a good day. A few bad things happened and I don't really feel good about myself at the moment. I've had a history with cutting and I usually did it when I felt like this. The urge to do it isn't going away and I don't know what I should do to deter myself from thinking about it. Anyone with a history of this please help.




  1. I do it too.

    When i really don't want to cut i distract myself.

    Call one of your friends or something and talk to them even if you don't want to. It helps you to forget about it. Go for a walk listening to music or something. Don't do it again, you will regret it.

  2. If it's not about attention but about crying for help then there is a far better way to get said help without cutting yourself. It's going to your doctor, and telling him you will harm yourself if he doesn't help you soon. You can even answer you don't know why you will harm yourself. That's what he is a doctor for, to find out what to help with, and how to help.

  3. Well, you are sitting at your computer, probably home alone, right?  Can you get out of the house and go somewhere around other people?  Somewhere distracting preferably?  If you are stuck at home, I know this might sound lame and unhelpful but it helps me sometimes... pop in your favorie movie and try to get caught up in the storyline (nothing depressing).  Or read a good book that you can get absorbed in.  Anything to help you focus on something else.  Sometimes all you need is a little distance and perspective to get control of those feeligs.  You might not feel like watching a movie or going out, but once you do you might be able to get "out of your own head" a bit and find some relief from that pressure you are under.

  4. Why don't you go outside and sit in the sunshine, away from any sharp objects that you can use to harm yourself?  Have a cup of coffee.  Think about fluffy puppies and butterflies.  Read an inspirational book!

  5. Try doing more positive things. Get a puppy or something. Call a friend. Just try doing something that will distract you from your unpleasent desire.

    I cut myself whenever I feel the need to. But it's usually in places where no one sees it, like on my thighs or stomach.

    I know it's hard to resist the need to, but sometimes you can't avoid it. Just don't fully mutilate yourself.

    Sorry...not helping....

  6. well i also have a history in cutting. it's not good for you, but it makes you feel relieved. i think you need to like start hanging out more with friends... or find someone you really trust and talk to that person about it. you'll be surprised how you can feel when you talk to someone you trust. take there advice and embrace it.

  7. hey, i had a history of it!!! i use to do it all the time when i was 17-18 and i still have urges but i look at my scars and think i dont want to scar my body it looks bad and people will notice (specially docters) i did it because i had my heartbroken by guys morely 1 guy i fell in love with then he ended it with me on Valentines day i couldn't believe it so i turned to the knife it was my friend that never left me, eventually i missed the pain and blood so i did it's not worth it honey dont put those scars on your body you WILL regret it!!!!!

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