
I feel like hes not here with me....?

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My man has been so distant for the last few weeks, we have been living together for about 6 weeks now and i think the honeymood period has worn off.

He normally iniates s*x at least every other day, at the moment i get a kiss on the forehead good night!!

I have asked him whats wrong and he has just kinda said that hes finding the whole move hard, i dont know if that means hes struggling to adjust to the change or what.

I now know him well enough to know he is really emotionally unavailable and i cant change that, either i deal with it or i let him go. I dont want to let him go..

I want to know how to get him back with me? get him back being affectionate again as at the moment i am feeling totally rejected which isnt nice and its meaning that i am moody with him too as i feel like hes being mean all the time...




  1. Well, give it another month and see what happens. If it doesn't work out then part ways. People should feel comfortable moving in with each other.  He may not be at the same point in life you are, ready to settle down and start a serious relationship. He may have moved in with you and then realized that his lifestyle was cramped. It could be many things, most of which have nothing to do with you personally. Give it a chance and then move on if things aren't working out.  

  2. After awhile, all relationships get stale. The question is, How do we get the spark back, Susan?

  3. Maybe you should plan a night out and see how he acts during the whole thing. if it's not they way you would expect, when you get home, have a conversation and get everything out in the open. Don't give up on him until you've at least got whats really bothering him out. Tell him how you feel, and if he still cares for you, he will at least talk to you about whats wrong. Good Luck.  

  4. Well, living together = he doesn't love you enough to marry you. Why do women lower themselves like this and then wonder what's wrong?

  5. He sounds like he is emotionally bankrupt.

    Good luck with this one.

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