
I feel like i'm wasting my life. what quirky little things can i do to make the most of my life?

by Guest63895  |  earlier

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i feel like im stuck in a rut and not making the most of my time. i just want to live my life to the fullest and would appreciate any quirky little things that you know of that could help me out. for example i had a friend tell me she was going to take up hoola hooping.

any suggestions welcome. thanks :)




  1. Do anonymous Random Acts of Kindness everyday - you can't believe how alive it makes you feel   :)

  2. why not take a comedy class and then perform in a comedy club, Learn how to Bowl & Join a Bowling League where you can not only get exercise but meet people and have fun.

    Or you could find something else you enjoy. .. If you're not into doing physical  things, then why not volunteer at a hospital or nursing home Or even a nursery school .  It will make you feel like you're life is worth while while helping those who can't help themselves.   Hospitals and nursing homes are so short staffed these days,  thanks to budget cuts, I'm sure they'd love to get someone who's compassionate and caring who would help out with the patients by talking to them or help feeding them or just doing some errands.   But sitting around the house all day feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to make you or anyone else feel better.  Good Luck

  3. The latest science studies shows that if you do some thing that is new to you, you will make new brain cells.

    Be it another language,painting,sketching, drama,dancing or music.

    Just have a go, a lot of the fun is in learning to laughing at your mistakes enjoy your life you only have one go at it.

    If you are learning something new in a group ask for peoples help?

    It may surprise you how much people what to share their knowledge.GOOD LUCK.      

  4. make someone's day, do nice things for other's and you'll forget about what you were lacking in your own life =]


    Have fun living your life!!

  6. Take an hour before you go to sleep and learn a new language of your choosing, just an hour everyday before you go to bed and you will learn it very fast.  You can buy a cd and do it like that or just take some kind of certificate class at a community college for some language they are usually cheap.

  7. Learn how to sew. It is really fun and you can wear your awesome new creations.  

  8. At the outset,  you note down your entire activities everyday for a week and read it. Do meditation for 45 minutes, you will get answer shortly. Be happy without thinking unwanted things.

  9. Get a guitar.

  10. anything you enjoy. Just envisage that you have your last days to live. What are the things you enjoyed doing the most and have had the biggest effect on people in your environment.

    How would you want to look back on your life?

  11. I would suggest that you teach your friend how to spell hula hoop. Also, f**t in your boyfriends face, and see the reaction. That's quirky.  

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