
I feel like i've got absolutely nothing!!?

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so i have just finished uni (i have a bachelor of science with honours) which is great but i have no job so i'm still at home-i'm 25 for gods sake. i've got a good BF (long distance) but i've never managaed to hold down a relationship for long as i get bored quickely. like i said im 25 and i'm still stuck in a rut, i'm feeling so depressed




  1. You need to wake up and realise that your a lot better off than a lot of people

  2. Youve got a number of great things going for you

    1. Youre only 25

    2. You have completed your BSc (hons)

    3. You are now able to look for a job in the field

    4. You have great supportive parents

    5. You have a boyfriend

    Start looking for work on some of these online websites, or see if the university is offering any admin type jobs while you are looking for your career in the field of science.

  3. You've got a great qualfication, so get out there. and you've got us lot on yahoo answers

  4. If it makes you feel better, I'm almost 29 and in a similar situation.

  5. ;] I'm 20. You can have me if you want. hint hint

  6. nothing last for ever !! one day it will all change. hope it does soon for you ..i wish i was 25 again .  

  7. Maybe you should talk to a doctor about your depression. You are a beautiful young woman with a good education. I thought at first that maybe you needed to "get out of yourself" and help others but I see you have been busy answering questions on here anyway, and giving them a lot of thought. You might need some professional advice on smoothing out the "highs and lows".    

  8. don't worry. everybody falls into a rut every now and again. why don't you go to some job interviews?

  9. stop thinking you are depressed if you just finished uni you should be more than happy.. it can take time to find a job but hopefully you will get it if you really want a job...

    i will be soon 25 years old and i don't have any education at all and every time i think about it.. it hurts,,,

    so dont worry if you have education you are something :)

  10. Financial security is one of the main causes for depression.

    Jobless people or those hardly can make end meet, are usually victims of depression which can after some time of suffering start to have panic attacks. Depressive disorders range from dysthymia – low grade, chronic depression – to bipolar disorder, or manic depression, which causes extreme swings between depressive lows and manic high.

    Depression remains widely misunderstood and sufferers lead a double life. One minute full of confidence and another minute worse than a little mouse when panic attack.

    But as Carol said,you've got a number of great things going for you

    1. You re only 25

    2. You have completed your BSc

    3. You are now able to look for a job in the field

    4. You have great supportive parents

    5. You have a boyfriend

    and you are beautiful and young!

    just be patient, and don’t worry,you will have a great future!

  11. You have great teeth!

    Based on your avatar anyway!

    Roll with it! I'm [coughs] "old" and I still have doubts over almost every major decision I made!

    You just have to keep going!

    Unless there is a way to transport me back to 1987, in which case I wanna know about it!

    Say strong!

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