
I feel like i cant wear clothes. HELP!?

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I just found out i was pregnant this week, i could possibly be 2 months along, i don't have a dr apt till next week. This is my first pregnancy.

I am about 5'2 and a size 3/5 I cannot fit my pants comfortably anymore, I cant even fit anything on my bottom half anymore Because everything including underwear is uncomfortable. What can i do?

My b***s have grow excessively already, I had to buy another cup size already.

Sweats are not even comfortable, is it just all in my head or is this normal?!

Every night when i get home i struggle to find something decent to put on because i HAVE to immediately take my work clothes off.




  1. Congrats you have now entered the stage between when anything you currently own fits but you are not quite big enough for maternity clothes!!  This is normal.  I would suggest buying yourself a few 'in between' outfits. These are outfits that are larger than your normal size.  You will find these useful after you give birth too because most women cannot fit right back into their old clothes again and need something for that in between stage when they are not huge anymore but not quite fitting in them old cothes either.

    Good luck!

  2. Go buy maternity clothes! It is totally normal that nothing feels comfortable, but I promise maternity clothes feel so much better! Old Navy and Target have great deals on clothes

  3. the great thing is leggings are in style,i wear leggings all the time with long shirts and dresses, or yoga pants are super comfy and can be dressed up.

  4. i was the exact same! i didn't enjoy maternity clothes either everything was not made for a person with my style and i hate high waisted jeans. i bought normal clothes that i'd wear just two sizes to big. the sale rack became my best friend! although i did spend $80 on a pair of jeans at the buckle because they don't have a button in the front.

  5. Shop!

    When I was in the in between phase I bought a bunch of loose fitting clothes I could grow into. I wasn't big enough for maternity clothes yet and honestly, a lot of the shirts are too short. I found a bunch of baby doll style tees or tanks and wore skirts, goucho pants or wide leg jeans. The wide leg thing is a must if you want to be comfortable. As for undies I switched to boy shorts, they feel loose and comfier. Just know that you will be expanding so buy stuff you can grow into. Since you may not fit in them forever buying designer stuff is a waste of money. I just went to target and bought a bunch of plain stuff. Just try everything on and see whats comfy.

    OH! And to soothe your belly, curel just made a new pregnancy lotion, and it works really well. 29 weeks and not a single stretch mark yet!

    Hope this helps :)

  6. I am 5'3" and was a size 3 when i first got pregnant. I gained 40 lbs with my pregnancy and even the smallest size of maternity clothes was too big on me. So I just wore a size or two bigger in regular clothes and bought shirts that would cover my belly. Maybe your clothes aren't comfortable because you're squeezing into clothes that are too small? I LOVE sweat pants and t shirts when I was pregnant!  

  7. Lol it sucks huh! Im about as far along as you & im the same way! As soon as i walk in my door i start ripping off my clothes!!! Im very high maintence i really take care of myself but lately i dont give a c**p!! I feel so ugly and fat i HOPE this passes fast!!!

  8. Hi ;)

    Sounds like you're gonna have to go to the maternity store and buy transitional clothes. Since you are small (no offense intended) your belly can show earlier. I am tall and didn't show until I was 6 months but I stopped wearing my clothes pretty early, because of discomfort.

    Sooner or later, you're gonna need maternity clothes anyways ;)

    You can also buy an "elastic belt" type of thing that will allow you to wear your clothes all through pregnancy, but I don't know where to find those -sorry!

    It's not in your head your belly probably has became more sensitive, so to say.

    Good luck and CONGRATS! x*x

  9. So my MIL said to get a rubber band, hook it on the button then go through the button hole and hook back around the button. And then wear a shirt long enough to cover the waste band.  

    I went and bought some size larger pants and a lot of empire waste shirts.  They weren't even maternity, just what is in style now.  An Old Navy has some great knit skirts and pants that are in the normal womens section.  I loved mine 2 years ago, and after 8 weeks they were all I wore.


  11. i know the feeling trust me i don't fit into maternity clothes yet but my clothes don't fit either. I have found that buying sweat pants a size bigger than i normally would and underwear with the comfort no ride waistband i believe hanes is the one who makes it, they may not be the sexiest undergarments ever but for me they are far more comfotable. the softer the waistband is the less discomfort there is  

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