
I feel like i dont know who i am anymore?

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do you ever feel like this? what do you do about it?




  1. i assess my life and decide who i am at this point in my life and where i want to be or go. then i make a plan to reach my new goals or to get myself back on track.

  2. We all have different facets in our personality.  Some of them are stronger than others.  It depends on the situation.  But some are also truer than others.  People wear masks and change them depending on who they are coming in contact with.  When they want to impress someone, or are with someone whose opinion they value, or perhaps someone whose approval they need - these are some of the things that bring out different facets.  However, the real person is the one that is the same in any situation, who says what he means and means what he says.

    I think this real person is the identity that expresses all the attributes of God, and to do this it requires pure intent and sincerity in all things, no matter what may unfold.  It takes a life time to develop the true self and cast off all the false things we pick up along the way, especially from the parents.

  3. Yeah, but fortunately I get over it pretty quickly.

  4. No.... I always know who I am, and have always known.  Granted I sometimes change who I am but at any given moment I know who that person is.

    Frankly I have no idea how one would not know who one is..... It sounds like psycho-babble to me, but if thats how you feel I can hardly judge.  I have experienced not knowing who I will or should become..... but at this moment surely you must know who you are.  You could pick yourself out of a lineup, recognize your own voice, know what you like and dislike, know what makes you happy or sad, know the best parts about you and the worst.

    If you don't know who you are and spend every moment with you, then good luck to anyone else to help you figure it out.... no less someone who has never met you.

  5. Yes, because the girl in the mirror isn't me. I mean it's my body but it's not the actual me.

    sometimes I feel there's nothing to me like a piece of cellophane and sometimes I feel like a human body and part of the world.

    I am both me and not-me. I am me, I and Myself.

    Sit in the dark with your legs crossed and close your eyes. breathe normally and put your hands in your lap. on the in breathe say in your mind 'I am Myself' and when you breathe out 'within myself I am free. I am freedom.'

    My answer sounds nonsense but makes perfect sense. Yourself is the one thing no-one can take. In that you are free.

  6. Sure, and one time when I did I told my gf, she told me to check my driver's license. She was smiling, so I knew she was kidding me, and I laughed at myself and felt better.

    In short, what I've learned to do about "it" is to not take myself so seriously. Why be so serious about someone you don't know.

  7. you're not alone..

    been like this for a while.. don't know what to do.. i'm going round in circles in my head..

  8. You have to stay true to yourself. If you have become someone, who is very different from who you used to be, and you don't like that, think about who you want to be. Who you once were. Figure out what you want to change about yourself and do it. You know who you are deep inside, but that knowledge may just be hidden by who you're pretending to be. Just drop all the pretenses and masks and be YOU. And NEVER let anyone tell you that that's not good enough. If you're happy with who you are, then it's always enough.

  9. Frankly, I've never known who I really am. For that, I continue to search and find more things about myself than I had intended to discover, but that is what makes me...well, me

  10. yeah i feel like that right now i've changed a lot lately (my personality, my values and that kinda stuff). There's not much you can do just try to except or change back somehow and feel like yourself again.

  11. Sounds like your going through puberty, or a divorce, nether of which require that you know who your are.  When you are in a change of life experience, you often feel that you have lost who you are. When your a child, you are what your parents want you to be or at the very least expect you to be. Same in a divorce, what every comes out in the end process is who you are, your CONFUSED BECAUSE YOU FEEL LOST IN THE WORLD AND SOMETHING IS LACKING.

    It hard to do but self check, don't dwell on failures look at how YOU can make your life better and more enjoyable. The past is gone, cant change it or fix it. Remake your self the way you want to be and who you want to be. Look into Solution Focused Brief Therapy. It will help.

  12. you are you.  no one else.  you are only one.  but being one you are unique unlike anybody else.  your life does matter to those who know you.   but even if nobody knows you i believe humans are the only divinely connected beings on earth. therefore if God is your creator wouldnt it make sense to try to relate to God and find out the reason for your creation and existence on this earth?

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