
I feel like i have to play football this year and i dont want to!

by Guest67126  |  earlier

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i played football my freshmen year and i enjoyed it. then i stayed after school everyday to lift and run. so i was pretty committed in the offseason gettin ready for my sophomore season playin jv. well when baseball started i kinda decided i wasnt gunna play football cuz i love baseball and am more committed to it than football. but my dad wasnt happy at all. a couple weeks after baseball i went to talk to my football coach, and i ended up leavin with a football helmet and shoulder pads. i attended the football camp that next week. now i have this week off and two a day practice starts next weeek. but i really rather have a job cuz i need the money. and as much as i love football. i dont think i have the committment to play. all that practice and you only play 8 games. i dont wanna disapoint people in my family cuz they love watchin me play. and i dont get along with my dad very well and im afraid wut he will say. cuz he is not very supportive of me. i just dont know how to quit. and how to tell my dad. cuz the first time i told him. it was pretty much h**l. i know that its really good to be involved in more than 1 sport. but baseball is my focus sport. and i really wanna committ just to baseball. any help would be appreciated thanks.




  1. don't force yourself to do something you don't want to, that's the main thing

  2. do what you want to do. don't worry about what others think because this is your choice and you should do what makes you happy.If you don' that you will be committed to your football team then thats not fair to the football team. And if you love baseball then keep focused and working hard with that and your family and friends should see that you love that and keep supporting you with what you love to do.  

  3. tell your old man you dont want to play. and also dont say you love football if you want to quit

  4. Just approach it delicately and tell him how you feel.  He should be supportive of your choice to dedicate your time to baseball and work.  If he isn't supportive you should do it anyways, you have to do this as tactfully as possible and avoid an all out confrontation, but after the initial storm I'm sure he'll come around.  As a father he should be supportive of your goals and try to help you achieve them, not hinder you and make you live his goals.  Just remember to attack this very professionally and explain your views to him.  I can tell your concerned about how he feels about your decision, but you may have to go with your gut and do what you think is right for you even if he doesn't agree with it after talking to him.  I hope everything goes well and this helped.

  5. If your parents truly love you i think they will end up supporting your decision. I do agree it is good to be involved in more than one sport but if you feel your heart is not in it then you shouldn't do it. I think you should talk to your parents one on one. thats really the only way.  

  6. If your hart is not in it you won't do as well as you could. It takes real commetment to be a top player at any sport. Families are a very complicated thing. I am sure they feel they are helping you by pushing you even if it does not feel that way. The first and most important thing is to keep your grades up, football or baseball can both get you a college education at a very good school, but only if you keep those grades up. All the things you want, like a job, football, baseball, a social life come down to time management. Some people do manage to have it all but it is rare. Sit down and set some goals and priorities for your self. What is important to you in this next 12 months and why? In 2 years( end of high school ). In 6 years? in 10 Years?

    As far as sports goes sit down with both your footall and baseball coaches and try to get a real honest opinion of what you are capable of there. If it is only to play in high school and no further that is OK, do not miss out on it, the things you will most regret later in in life won't be what you did( unless it is really stupid like drugs and gangs ) but opertunities you did not take advantage of. Rather than fight with your dad about what you don't want to do try sitting down with your parents after you have set some goals and priorities and ask for help and ideas for you to have it all. You might all be suprised, I hope so.

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