
I feel like i need 2 commit suicide.. but i'm not depressed.. why?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 11.. i'm happy right now because im having a sleepover in a few days.. but i still feel like commiting suicide but again.. im not depressed..could it be because of stress?




  1. spongebob says you need to watch less movies!!!

  2. i know how you feel because last year i felt something or someone telling me to go hang myself and the year before to throw my self off a balcony but now thank god i PRAYED EVERYDAY AND THAN IT WENT A WAY!  

  3. I'm actually concerned that perhaps you've been put on an anti-depressant medication? I'm not sure what medication you're taking, if any. But I have seen a number of cases in which young teenagers and pre-teens have been put on anti-depressants and they still have suicidal thoughts, or have even begun having suicidal thoughts when they didn't before. Now I'm making an assuption that you've been put on some kind of prescription, so if I'm right, I'd suggest consulting with your parents and your doctor and telling them you're still having thoughts of suicide even without feelings of depression. And I would personally recommend lowering the dosage at least, or quitting the prescription entirely, but that's between you, your family, and your doctor.

    If I'm completely wrong about the anti-depressants and you're not taking any. Then I'd suggest finding something to keep your time occupied. Sports, writing, music... anything... just a hobby of some kind that you enjoy. In the meantime, take care of yourself.


  4. yep it is all cuz of stress it semms like you stress ur self a bit too much try this go to the store and buy a stress ball and try not thinking about things a bit to much im pretty sure this will help and chill ur 11 don't try to think of commiting suicide at all take that out of ur brain feel happy and stop taking stress after you stop that everything will be fine trust me so get the word commiting succide out of ur brain think of other things in life ♥ ;)

  5. .maybe its because your just a weirdo.?

  6. err.

    well i attempted it and failed.

    and lets just say i am very depressed and still suicidal

    but ahh the mental institution is not a fun place darling/

  7. you are depressed because of your stress. your too young to be fealing this way. what i do is take it out on the weights or from a sport such as hockey

  8. i am 13 and at times every pre-teen and teenager feel the need to do this but you have to control it and not do it. at times i feel like i want to try to hang myslf or just cut myself a little just to see what it is like but i know better and i know that i do not want to have that reputation so i ignore it and try to think of other things<33

  9. well, you are way too young to be even thinking about that. don't kill yourself. live life to the fullest and never give up.

  10. you do NOT need to commit suicide. oh what I would give to be 11 again. you have a wonderful whole life ahead of you. go talk to your parents and get a hug from someone you love. then do something fun to get your mind off the stress. best wishes to you dear!

  11. Cause you want attention.

  12. you have problems

  13. oh my god you need jesus... just pray! your young and your life has much more years to come hang in there it cant be that bad  

  14. maybe u feel ok because u have things to look foward to but maybe real deep inside something is upsetting u

  15. you say you are not depressed but that is exactly what depressin is you nt always can feel it persay. you need to remember that if you leave likethat. you will have family , friends and all wonder why you left and they will feel so badly and some of them will feel like they need to go with you is that fair for you do treat people like that. i mean hey its life youa re wanting and i suggest you go to councelor and get help and take care.

  16. May be u need to talk to someone about the way u feel! whatever you feel! It helps to talk to someone...always. God bless.

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