
I feel like i want to die,help?

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my dads girlfriend moved in a year and a half ago and she is 26,my dad is 42,her son is 6,and i am 14.I've never been a happy person but I've never been to the point of feeling like i want to kill myself,I'm not saying that i am.her son talks to everyone rude,cusses,gets what he wants and no one does anything.i tell my dad and he just says"he'll get better when hes older" but i keep telling them that if they don't do something now hes not gonna know what hes doing is wrong.his girlfriend is nice and all but she talks about him behind his back to me(which is stupid because hes my father) and i asked my dad why he did something that jacky(his girlfriend) told me about and he said "i don't know what your talking about she must be lying" and my father never lies to me and i hold his word over hers.i tell him the stuff he says but he said that I'm saying it mealy and that what she said isn't the way i said it since i said it "meanly."i want her to leave but the only reason I'm putting up with this is so my dad can be happy but he hates the kid too.he tells her to discipline him and she does nothing.i think the only reason he is with her is because hes scared that he would be alone his whole life if she leaves but i don't know what my father was thinking because he looks much better than she does and her personality is plain.I've disliked people but i mostly never hate people but i hate her kid.some times she does nice things like take me out to lunch and it makes me regret being angry at her but the moment her kid says one word i blow up.she doesn't even know i get so angry at her kid and i would tell her but she speaks Spanish and not English,well,only a little.i don't want to tell her because shes the kind of person to take things way to seriously(she got angry at my dad because he asked for on banana and she brought 4 then started saying "I'm not a little girl" in Spanish and started pouting)I'm not a optimistic person so i always see the bad in people.shes always saying its my dads fault for why her kid freaks out and that she isn't happy and her kid is always saying hes not happy,so why not just leave?she doesn't make much money and i know this seems bad but as i said i think the worst about people and what goes through my mind is"you cant leave because you have no place to go and you cant afford it on your own.your scared because no person is gonna put up with you and your also cant afford daycare for your kid so you can pawn him off on your boyfriends daughter and ruin her need someone to mooch money off of........"i told my dad he wasn't my responsibility and he just says"you wake up at 11 anyways and she gets home at 3 its not like its torture" but i like to go places early and i just hate the fact that I'm stuck at home against my will and that i should be able to leave the house when i want.i don't know what to do because he says he might marry her and i i can think of is "this is all it will ever be" and its true.thats all she will ever be,thats all he will ever be,all I'll ever be.i have no escape.i cant go to my mothers because shes dangerous and legaly im not allowed to stay with her.i know its just a few years till i can have my own house but this is driving me insane.maybe shes just using my dad?maybe all the nice things she does is so i don't complain about her son?I'm seriously at the end of my rope.I've been curled up in a ball laying on my floor for almost two hours.




  1. Plz don't do anything, talk it out with your family

  2. ok the age things sounds like a mid life crisis ne ways as for the little boy

    show him whos boss make funn of him for everything teach him he cant act that way after all treat those the way you want to be treated and if they make you watch him treat the little boy bad and if he tries to be mean again the grab him and hit him and as for the evil step mother

    you can either be sneaky and hide a recorder when she talks **** or you can talk to your dad again and literally say what you mean but make sure you have bags packed at the door to lie

    you can say dad im trying to tell you that she doesnt love you if she talks bad.. he says something ... then you can say look dad how can i live like this if you cant even trust me your own daughter...and if that dont work then pull the im movin out routine make sure you call up a friend first and if he says your not leavin then at night write a note put it next to da stand or wherever he goes and make sure you make like 4 of them and put them in different places cuz member evil mom  she might find it first..but also when your done call your friend to pick you up or meet you and sleep over at her house this should open up his eyes

  3. BIANCA! ur making this allll up.  

  4. Hang in there, Bianca.  This feeling you have won't last forever.

    It is true that many women find themselves in relationships due to financial issues.  It may be true that your father feels this is his only shot at a relationship.  People do things that don't make sense; and they often do it because they think they don't have any other options, or who knows, maybe they're comparatively happy with this situation.

    In the end, you have to take care of yourself.  You could talk to your dad and tell him how unhappy you are; maybe ask to see a counselor, or tell him you need some kind of help coping with the situation because you can't tolerate it.  Maybe then he'll understand how stressful it has been for you.

    And for your sanity, maybe there are some things you can do now to make your life a bit easier.  Are there activities you could do that would get you out of the house?  After school sports, etc?  A friend's house?  If you're stuck in the house, can you read books or watch a movie?  Or even do some exercises so that you feel like you're doing something fun or productive?

    This very hard, I know; but it won't last forever.  In a few years you can move on and do your own thing and it will be great.  Just keep focusing on what you can do to make your life a little bit easier; and less on the flaws of your dad's gfriend and son.

  5. You need to find something in your life to concentrate on to take your mind off whatever you wrote. Sorry, i could not read all that run together stuff.

    Throw yourself into school. Learn something so when you graduate you can move on and have a successful life on your own.

    You need some goals and an education so you can learn to make paragraphs.

  6. Little girl...I have six younger sisters, four younger brothers, and three step brothers...all you have is one little boy that you just watch! Try cooking dinner, cleaning the whole house, and driving kids to places they need to go because the parents can't do it. If the little boy needs disciplining...discipline him. At least he will respect you! Tell him to sit down and if he doesn't do it, take something away. Be firm with him. BUT DO NOT HIT HIM! you are not in the right mind to do so. If you think your parents will be getting married, that means you are his sister and you should show him how to act because he is going to look up to you. Stop acting like a child.

    The fact that you get to go places at all is enough to be happy. You could be at home all the time taking care of him like he is your own child!

    As far as your father's relationship. That is none of your business. Trust me no matter how much money she makes, she could find someone closer to her age that could do the same thing your dad is oing. And as far as your dad being innocent, you will find out when you are older how well men can lie and make you believe it is the truth.

    Enjoy being young and stop letting something so stupid make you feel this way. If you embrace the situation instead of complaining, you will see that you are getting great life experience that some people don't get until their in a bad relationship themselves. Just watch whats going on and stay in your place. You have a lifetime ahead of you where you can make all of your own decisions and be in a happier relationship than what you are witnessing. just live long enough to have your turn. Don't hurt yourself.

  7. Ask you dad for a lunch date just for him and you to sit down and tell him how you feel and how much this upsets you. Are try talking to another family member about this if that doesn't work and see if they can get him to see what going on . This  2 will pass!!!!!! Don't give up !!!!!

  8. please don't give up there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. God never gives us more than we can handle.  

  9. Please call these people. It's free and they will listen and help.

  10. tell your dad (im serious abut this) that you want to go live with someone like your grandparents then say im saving my money for a plane ticket if they live far away  he really needs to know that you aren't happy at all

  11. please don't kill yourself, I know this is a hard time for you.  this may sound totally evil, but one day if you are ever alone with that kid, scare the h**l out of him, make sure he regrets ever messing with you.  scare him mentally of course, mess with his mind, threaten him.  i came so close to killing myself when my brother died, but i realized that if i killed myself, that it would be a very selfish thing, cause i have family that loves me very much, especially my aunt and cousins, and they wouldn't know what to do.

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