
I feel like im STUCK in a RUT... im 18.. i have all the world to look forward too. as im told 100x's BUT >>>?

by  |  earlier

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idk it seems like the last 2years haven't really been taking me anywhere, im talking about school and work.. i plan on going into law enforcement.. but im entering university in Nursing just cuz im scared that if i dont get ready enough for law enforcement or i don't cut outt... that my life wont be screwed up.. cuz i'll be a registered nurses... and can go and work in a hospital.

anywhooo please give me some advice.... on how to get out.... enjoy my life.. (and thats not by meeting up with the girliiees.. cuz i just end up going out w/em and getiin wasted lool .. luvv my ladiiies thought)

umm.. i wanna get a better job.. join martial arts... finish my online prep courses that've i've payed $$$$$ for and started but i;m stuck.. idk if necessarily its a rut.. i just heard that on TV lool.





  1. oh dear, nursing's gunna be very hard if your heart isn't in this.

    step one: find out what you need to do to get a job in law enforcement. i don't know what state you're in so i can't give you the details.

    you're doing nursing as a backup plan. but it doesn't sound like you set up a plan for law enforcement yet? so step two: set up that plan, get it into motion.

    step three: in the meantime, work hard this semester, you may love it after all. i mean even as a nurse you can work in a jail, you can work with crime, you can solve rapes, murders, assist in autopsies, and work with and give your educated opinion to members of law enforcement.

    good luck baybeh, you can do it.

  2. when you're stuck in a rut that you cant get out of, change your environment. Put yourself in different places. Change the people you hang out with, Change the places where you go, Move....etc

    You just need to shake it up a little to get going again

  3. Either the time passes and you finish school, or the time passes and you don't finish.  At the end of your "rut", at least you will have a degree, right?  So what choice do we have?  We just have to plow through no matter how we feel. You are allowed to change your job as many times, go through as many school programs you want, even when you are forty.  I think it's normal for us to go through this kind of phase, it means you are ready to progress, it means you have learned what you needed to learn up to this point and your child/teenage life is no longer enough.  And it shouldn't be.  Consider this a milestone for you.  It's a good thing that you feel like you need to move on.  Don't let it frustrate you into partying and watching TV.  To many people fall victim to this because they are not smart enough.  People with random and diverse accomplishments fascinate me and instantly earn my respect.  Good luck!

  4. I think you're just 'stalled'.  You've lost your motivation.  This is very common in young people.  I had the same problem.  There's nothing wrong with you, it's completely normal.  It's sort of an occupational hazard of being your age.  You've been going to school all your life, and it's getting hard to imagine getting out of school and having a life.  You're running into new obstacles, new to you anyway, and you can't see past them.

    You're not going to like to hear this, but the solution to your problem is for you to just take control of your life.  Impose some self-discipline.  Decide where you want to go, convince yourself that you can get there, and decide what you have to do to achieve your goal.  Put time aside every day to do the things you need to do.  Like working on that online course.  If you're stuck, think about how you could get the help you need.  You have the capability to do what you need to do, and you know it, don't you?  Get into a martial arts group--the sooner the better.  It's just a matter of doing it.  Others can be lots of help, but you have to do most of it yourself.

    Have you been following the Olympics?  All those athletes are about your age, and the way they get to the Olympics is just by working doggedly towards their goal for their whole lives.  There isn't one gold-medal winner who didn't at one time collapse in a heap of sobs and tears and swear the goal was beyond their reach.  Then, after a good cry, after a while of moping and feeling sorry for themselves, they went back to work.

    Law enforcement and nursing have something in common--if you are good at them you can always find a job and you can do them anywhere.  They're both good jobs!  And they are jobs that lots of people just couldn't do.  I couldn't do either of them myself.

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