
I feel like im going to barf every day before school help..!?

by Guest21302  |  earlier

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k i just started high school tuesday and so far i feel like im really sick like im going 2 barf and have stomach problems. i dont feel nervous cuz im getting really used to it and i took 2 tums and pepto bismal this morning and i really want 2 not feel like this every morning. after a few periods im fine ugh i just h8 feeling like this any advice?




  1. I felt like that the last school year: for me it was nerves. I was so nervous I was making myself feel sick. You're not alone. It could also be a few things: morning sickness, PMS, or maybe you're not getting enough or eating too much to eat? It could be a number of things. Go see a doctor: we on Yahoo Answers are not medical practitioners and can only help to a certain degree. In the meantime, continuing with the Tums should help and a sprite, ginger ale or a little chamomile or other herbal soothing  tea in the morning should help.  

  2. i use to feel this way everyday before school. try to think about something exciting for that day. or plan to do your hair real nice to keep ur mind off everything

  3. id be nervous 2 if i had to see my pretty face every day! lol jk

  4. well im the same way. my mom was the same way when she was younger. we both have anxiety. it could be that. but ive gotten to the point where im home schooled now because i get so sick every morning before school. but after i would get there i was fine. talk to your parents about going to see a therapist. they diagnose that kind of stuff.  doctors don't.

  5. Sounds like you are just really nervous.  You might try some relaxation techniques, such as breathing deeply or reciting a mantra.  Some 7-up or ginger ale might help settle your stomach.  Good Luck.

  6. Go to the doctor and see then what's wrong. that's the only wayi can't belive you haven't told you mum till now!let then know i think its a help problem.

  7. I know the feeling your talking about, just keep the pepto in your purse, and bring a bottle of gingerale,

  8. you've got to know why you get like that

    it could be some type of health problem

    but if it is something psychological, then it's probably something that makes you nervous  

  9. When I was little I felt like that too. Put vicks by your throat and chew some mint flavor gum.

  10. I'd probably figure out what's making you feel that way.

    go see your doctor.

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