
I feel like killing myself......

by  |  earlier

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I hate everything about my life & no one ever pays any attention to me. Plus I have a gazillion other problems & nobody to talk to. I've wished forever that there would be somebody that I could trust but every time that I've trusted anybody I've ended up much much much worse off.

I seriously just feel like dying now.

Ugh ugh ugh what do i do.




  1. If you'd like to talk.... look me up :O) Im a good listener.

  2. I sure hope that you get to feeling better soon, but you can overcome this and all the other problems in your life. People can be crude, and insensitive and its not your fault that you trusted someone that hurt you in the end. There is so much that you can do in your situation but when we get depressed we tend to become blind to the light at the end of our tunnel. You can always call a local counseling hot-line most of them are free, and confidential. I know that you don't know these people but it sounds like you need to get somethings off your chest and talking to them could help you feel better. You could also find support chat rooms, and websites that are focused on the problems that you are experiencing. Theres nothing better than to listen to encouragement and advice from people that have already gone through what you are going through. Life is supposed to be fun and memorable and its so easy to feel worthless. You have a reason to be here on this earth and we don't know our destiny, but think about all of your family and friends that would be devastated if you were to die. You can always email me if you need to talk. You could also see your doctor because if the serotonin levels in your brain are low medication can balance them out causing the depression to stop, which would stop these feelings. Best of luck to you!

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