
I feel like my hubby has a short temper with my 10 month old -?

by  |  earlier

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well i am so used to the sleep deprivation.

actually i am quit pleased, my son just started sleeping through the night a week ago.


anyways my hubby is not so used to it.

i feel like at night he is a old grumpy monster!

we got home late lastnight from family bbq's and that started a bad night for my son, he is 10 months old tomorrow.

he likes his routine and it was messed up.

so when we got home it was a fight to put him to bed but hey what are u gonna do.

then by the time i was tired he woke up again and i figured its late he will go back to sleep in 10 min after he crys a lil bit.

well my hubby got so mad he went over and was very firm and picked him up tight and fast and it just looked mean like he jolted him.

well need less to say i got up really fast took my baby and slapped my hubby across the face 2 times and told him to get the h**l outta my room and i locked him out.

i was so upset at him.

how can i get him to relax? its only sleep!




  1. your reaction was a natural instinct - and your hubby was lucky you only slapped him:  when mine got frustrated because she wouldn't stop crying and literally "thumped" her down on the futon and she hit her head on the wooden divider, i body-slammed him (i outweigh him considerably) and had him out of the apartment and in the hall in his underwear before either of us even realized what was happening.  there was no thought involved - i saw what he did, i couldn't stop it, so i removed the threat.

    then i made him drive to his buddy's house to sleep, still in his underwear.  told him if he wants clothes to wear, i'll put the scissors to them first.

    btw:  i stayed up all night monitoring her carefully and she was fine - a little bump, that was all.  took her to the doctor just to be sure and he said she was fine (i didn't tell him what happened, just said she had been playing and fell backward and hit her head, otherwise the dr would've had to report the incident and then all h**l would've broken loose).

  2. OMGOODNESS......was my first response..This happens far more times then we all like to think...All due to ANGER..Your husband NEEDS to learn to controll himself..we are talking about a baby here..I as a Mother to seven children advise you to MAKE your Husband go to anger management classes,because if this little episode triggered him off..I would HATE to see him when your baby reaches 2-5 years of age??? He "your Husband" needs to get help!!asap If he did it once...he will do it again ..I'm sorry that had to happen to you,and you did the right thing..Hopefully that slap woke him up!!! Good Luck!

  3. You need to tell your man that under no circumstance it he EVER to shake, or jolt the baby. EVER. My next door neighbor's infant was killed when the sitter got frustrated. Please just explain that it is a little fussy baby, and he the grown man needs to not be fussy.

  4. Wow, that sounds bad. You were right to do what you did. It's that behavior that causes people to give baby's shaken baby syndrome. maybe he needs counseling, or maybe he's not ready to be a parent yet. Anyways he is. so you need to explain to him that it's a baby. it doesn't know better, and that when he's like this it scares you, and you don't ever want to think that he could hurt the child. It says nothing about his character, I don't think he's abusive, but an accident could occur and before that happens he needs to learn to relax around the baby. Just be really careful around him and the baby, and if this behavior continues, maybe you guys should separate for a bit.

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