
I feel like my husband is cheating.should i ask him?

by  |  earlier

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He stays at school later than usual and says its the instructors making him stay later.He finds just any excuse or tries to hang out with his friends every weekend...he takes me along but doesnt mind me enough like he should.I know he needs "me" time but i need him.He's in the navy and gone like 12 hours a day,it would be 8 but like i said they make him stay.I cant seem to shake the feeling that hes cheating.I recently found messages from his "friend" that lives in hawaii and for the next duty station he wants to try and get ironic?Well should i ask him in hopes he tells the truth?




  1. he mi net  and you ne'er find out  but if he is then i would ask him and then i would say buy

  2. Years ago I was asking the same thing.  I decided not to go with my gut feeling and hire a Det.  I found out about a year later he was cheating.  You know. When I had the feelings I knew I just was not really ready to do anything about It.  Because if I really knew I would have had to do something about It.

  3. Don't ask him.

    Catch him.

    Don't let him know that you think he may be cheating.  If you let him know - he will hide it more.

    Give him plenty of space, time, etc ... then do your unnoticeable detective work.

    Make sure you are ready to know.

  4. Okay.. if you ask if he's cheating... he is NOT going to tell you that he is, and is going to start hiding things more and come up with more lies to hide it because he now knows that you are suspecting things.

    So no, don't confront him about it... Just play miss detective and try to see if he's telling the truth about everything and what's really going on and then when you catch him in a lie confront him about it.

    Also, is he going to school? like college? instructors don't make anyone stay after class like that, it just doesn't happen... I'm a college graduate and I never had to stay all that time extra and no instructor did ever make me stay extra - so be careful with what is going and where he really is.  

  5. well usually when a person suspects infidelity its bc its there. So yea just ask him and see how he reacts. or hire cheaters!! lol na bt if u think he is  then he probably is..  

  6. One he is in the Service(NAVY) if they say jump you do it. no ifs and or buts,     You can request to go some where most times you don't get it...they send you where they want you to go.   what are going to do if he gets put on a sub, gone for 6 months no port.  it's not like he is coming home with booze on his breath and lip stick on his color or perfume smell on him..  

  7. My heart go's out to you.........usually if you think he is cheating...then he is cheating..................but this just might be the time that he really is trying to get ahead in school................marriage is such a hard thing to be in..............I hope it works out for you..............God Bless You..............and I hope he is not cheating on you............but if you do find out he is.................then believe me God has someone better in store for you♥

  8. go with your gut...stakeouts are effective

  9. I tend to agree with the first and third answers:  make SURE before you confront him...

  10. if you are having gut feelings, it will only get worse and you will go insane unless you ask him and get it out in the open..

    chances are if he is , he won't admit it..  

  11. yes dear , use the eye to eye contact, and ask him if he cheat on you,, and the way of ur eye to eye contact will define for your inner feeling if he cheat or not

    best luck

  12. Yes ask him sit down and talk but dont put him on the spot be calm if you have proof use it actually if you have proof just pack and leave and if he has a problem with call the cops if you have kids it might be different though

  13. Follow him, spy on him, watch him come out of class, see what he does, where he sneaky about it, careful, but stay cool and calm when you talk to him.  Don't ever blow up and get angry, men hate it when women get angry, it turns them off.  Go read the e-book Catch Him and Keep Him by Christian Carter.  He will teach you how to win your husband back and not want to be with anyone else but you.

  14. Ask, him. Then get a divorce. This guy sounds like trouble.  You can find way better.

  15. Yes, of course you have to ask your husband! Trust is the most important issue in a marriage. If you have a feeling that he's cheating, confront him about it. Good luck!  

  16. most men won't admit it unless they are ready to walk out the door.if your intuition tells u he is then listen to it, it is rarely wrong.

  17. I just wanted to say.  My husband has been in the Navy for over 11 years, hes also been an instructor, they DO make them stay later. Not every single day, but depending on what they're doing that week, etc. etc.  Its not uncommon.

    The rest of it does sound pretty suspicious though.  

    Good luck hun.

  18. Just watch him (spy) i guess for awhile get better information before asking him cause most likely if you ask he's going to say no and just tell you that you are insecure.

  19. don't ask him if he wanted you to know he would tell you. GPS systems you can buy on ebay are very effective. Look under GPS tracking systems and have it delivered to a friends house.The detail provided(dont get one that you have to pay a monthly fee) are amazing and they are no bigger than your pinky. You can hide it in a tissue box that you put in the car or put it under the fender. No hardwiring necessary.

  20. spy on him  

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