
I feel like my life is in a rut, and is headed for a dead end.?

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I'm about to turn 13 real soon, but i do the same thing everyday.

i was too sensitive to handle public school, so im home schooled, i do nothing but play games everyday, eat, do school work, take a shower, and watch TV. i feel like my parents are exactly good teachers either. they buy crappy and cheap school books, and mainly let the book do most of the work, and the books hardly explain things good. all they do, is look at the books answer sheets which they ripped out, and use it to tell if i did it right, or not.

they're good teachers up to a point, but i think they can only teach me up to a point, and even though im suppose to go to high school. dad's planning on homeschooling me another year at minimum. im just lucky not to lose enough knowledge to get held back 1 or more grades. it's like when i get on my own and go to a public school, i get nervous, i start to make a fool of myself, i can't focus, and then wants it's over, i can hardly remember it.

am i stuck?




  1. When you are smart enough to evaluate your situation, which you have, you can change it.  What you may not realise is that you can learn so much more than simply a vast array of facts by looking things up for yourself.  You are learning skill that will benefit you for the rest of your life!  After all, no matter where a person went to school as a child, he or she will not know everything.  We all have questions that need answers, hense the popularity of Yahoo Answers, even f with adults.  The ability to know how to research a question will benefit you for the rest of your life!  I can't say why your parents chose the curriculum they chose, but I would recommend that you try to communicate your needs and feelings with them.  When my oldest son was your age, he finally told me that he flet that he had not learned very much in 6th grade.  I never knew that and actually wished he had told me sooner!  Once he told me, I was able to help him get more challenging materials and even to enroll him in some co-op classes.  If you feel that you need deeper explanations, you may ask them if changing your curriculum supplier is a possibility.  If not, you will succeed if you choose to make lemon-aide out of the lemons you feel you have been served.  ;)  You could also do some research of your own community and see if you can find a junior high or high school home school co-op.  Something like that would not only be intelectually stimulating, but it might help you become more confident.  The classes are usually much smaller and the teachers can be far more attentive.  If you could find such a group, you might be able to supplement your dry materials with a little more meat while you are still adjusting to the struggles of being a young teen.  Frankly, I do not know, nor have I ever known one kid your age, including myself,  who has not had social struggles or felt awkward in groups of other young teens.  I was just like you and I wish I knew about the options of home schooling in junior high school, even though I lacked the blessings of the internet way back hten in the dark ages.  ;)  Truthfully, though, kids at that age are brutal and always have been! Sadly, some things really do not change.  If anything is different about you at your age and on through junior high, other kids will generally stick it to you in spades.  Some kids simply can't study in such a distracting atmosphere.  Go figgure!  There is nothing wrong with you in that.   I certainly understand and I just want to tell you that this is so normal.  You are NOT hiding away, as someone else suggested.  You are putting your education first.  That is highly apparent in your question post.  You obviously want to learn and stay on top of what you need to know.  It is easy to get lazy, but don't harp on yourself too long.  Use this as an opporunity to see the need for focused learning, even if that means using the same boring stuff next year.  You can make it less boring by digging deeper and asking yourself more questions than even the materials ask you.  You might also find a Christian home school support group in your area.  Those adults can answer questions you have, if your parents can't answer them.  The kids are also more apt to be kinder. I have observed this very thing through the years.  Give yourself permission to be wrong and to dig deeper for answers.  Find subjects that interest you, even if you pick an extra credit like  working the lights for community theater productions (fun but easier for a shy person who is just starting out) or art techniques at your community center.  It may not be easy to set your own goals, but if your parents are not, for whatever reason, forcing you to attend to your goals, you will have to do it yourself.  Again, why have a bad attitude about this?  You can learn so much about yourself and about the world by searching for answers on your own and keeping your goals.  ONe more thing, if you are someone who really does better when kept acountable by someone else, start by asking your parents to create goal charts for you.  If not, ask another adult at church or in your home school support group (consider joining even if your parents aren't invloved so that you can get info and support, if needed) to keep you accountable by asking you routinely what you have done or how many hours you studied that week.  Maybe join a church youth group that meets once a week.  


  2. Maybe you should talk to you parents about going to public school.  Let them know that you would like to have the experience ad think that it is important in life.

  3. No matter who you are or where you are at life, I think that everyone can feel like they are stuck in a rut in their life...but since you are only 13 (if this is even a real question) then you still have time to figure out what you want to do in life...I mean, I never got to runaway from going to public high school...I dealt with it...It is possible to make friends...even if they are just school friends and they'll help you get if you are wanting to go to public school then...well I guess I don't know the whole story here...not sure why you're parents want to still home school you for another year...

  4. if you have yahoo answers you have the internet.. if the books are cheap and dont explain enough reasearch further on subjects you dont get until you reach someplace where the explanation flows through you easier.

    you need to do this or you will be held back. the key is to not be lazy. you have the power to enlighten yourself.

  5. I don't know how your parents feel about this, but I've known homeschooled kids who came and took a few public school classes each week.  Is there some area you're especially interested in?  Maybe consider taking a class in that area.

    You can also learn a lot by doing research and finding free resources online and at your library.  If you're seriously worried about not learning much from your parents, teach yourself!  You'll be more motivated when you find something that interests you anyway.

    Good luck!

  6. Eh, I know how you feel.

    I started homeschooling at about exactly your same age.

    You suffer from an anxiety disorder. (That is why you are sensitive)

    From what I gather you are an intelligent person and unfortunately you are going to have to take charge of your education.

    Please try 4-h, art classes, YMCA classes, etc has very good educational resources. Although you have to pay for all of the videos some of them are free.

    When I was in highschool I went half time. I took math and the classes I wanted to and I was homeschooled the rest of the time.

    I really feel for you and wish you the best. Things will get better. :)

    Look for programs for kids at community colleges.

    If I think of more things ill come back and add them. hope it helps. you can email me @ if u need more ideas

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