
I feel like no one really loves me?

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I have like no friends. I have one friend that i never really see and another friend that i haven't seen in a long time. Then i have my one best friend (she's gone at camp right now)

My ex boyfriends are just scumbags that used me. I have like a nice body (big b***s, nice butt, regular waist) but i don't think i have a pretty face or anything. I feel like i'll never find a guy i like, bad boys, that will ever really "love me"

My mom is like never home. She's always working or with her husband or just..well, never hanging out with me. I basically sit at home all day (that im not working) i sleep 'till noon, make myself lunch, and then watch tv/sit on the computer. I have like 250 friends on myspace, none of which i can be like "do you want to hang out?" i go through my phone contacts to see if i have any friends i can hang out with but i have no friends and i don't know how to make friends.

I've tried but i'm always older then all my friends and there so immature and always end up stabbing me in the back. I just feel like crying and wish i could just grow up, work, and have kids and just skip being a teenager. help ?




  1. OK Jenna, straighten up. As an "old man" my advise is to start yourself a life. You're in your teenage years I and I'm sure you've heard they are akward. Forget the pretty body and pretty face stuff. Guys at that age are ALWAYS after ANY female bodies. Don't get hooked on the body stuff. If you want to attract people and make friends, try this:  Put a smile on your face. Never, ever put anyone down. Be true to yourself. Don't follow the crowd, be an individual. Don't allow how you were raised to stop you from being the great person you want to be. Laugh often and loudly. Don't be shy. Look at the big picture. Look at the people you admire then ask yourself what it is you admire about them. I bet it isn't because they are pretty. Make your own success. Avoid the people that make you feel bad. They just want you to be miserable like them. Give your mom a hug and tell her you love her as you come and go. Don't make a big deal of it. Say hi to her husband as well. Change your habits. Get out of bed, stop watching tv, explore your tiny town in the world,. Find books on being positive and read a page or two every morning. Attack the world and let it know you are here. We are born and then die. Your headstone will say Born 19?? - Died 20?? That little dash mark in the middle. . . that was your life. Don't head toward your grave trying to look pretty or skinny. Instead, slide in there sideways, body broken, worn out, with a drink in one hand and a dear friend in the other and shouting,"Wow! What a ride!"

  2. That is sad, Start calling people you know from school and see whats up ask them if they want to hang out at the mall or go for a walk. Try anything to get out of the house and to be around other people.  This is just a small part of your long life this to will fix its self. TRUST ME !

  3. It sounds like things are real rough for you right now, just hang in there, it will get better. When you get back to school talk to a trusted teacher or better yet the counselor.

    Let them know how things are feeling.  ALso, join some clubs that seem interesting to you!  Sometimes you have to love yourself first before others love you.

    Be true to you!!

    Don't let others bring you down, discover what is important to you and then set some will fill up fast and you will find many sources of love.

    The greatest IS god's love...he makes no mistakes and has a purpose for you.

    Hang in there!

  4. Jesus of course! He's the best thing that could ever happen to you! If you wanna make friends by the way try hosting a little girl party at your house. Have food, movies, and lots of other girly things there!

  5. I feel like that sometimes but im pregnant.

  6. You are never alone.  God is with you.  When you feel this way, Pick up the Bible and read it.

  7. I am sorry you feel that way. I am sure someone loves you. Always remember God loves you. it might seem kinda corny but it helps. Anyway you might try joining a club/intramural sports team or volunteering at a homeless shelter or with little kids in sports, or something. There are always people around who want to talk and hang out. it is just getting a hold of them that's hard. Try being me. I Am ugly, fat, have no job and don't drive. At least you're better off than kimberly! At least you have big b*****s! Thank the Lord!  

  8. i know how you. you can join the club. hey i will be your friend and i promise i will NEVER stab u in the back. I prefer hanging out with college people cuz people who are our age is so im-mature. hey if u have yahoo send me and e-mail at: ...... and i just ditched my "best friend" b/c she wants to have s*x with her b/f and she younger than me so i cursed out her b/f and now my ex-best-friend says i ruined her life. you are mainly describing my life so i really know how you feel. so i hope we can be friends. later.


  9. just try talkin to true to your will find someone ...wait for your best friend to come back from camp

  10. well i know what your feeling kind of. i had like no friends for the longest time cause everyone just felt (so it seemed) that they had to go out of their way to make fun of me... but then i got saved and the Lord came into my life and things are so much better for me now and i know someone loves me and is there for me even when things are so hopeless and i wish i could just grow up and leave. alot of my "friends" were like yours except they were older then me and were immature and backstabbed me.

    if you want i would love to talk to you and chat and stuff (although we cant hang out) i could be here whenever you wana chat. im honest maybe brutal sometimes but i would love to hear you out! so maybe if you want we can chat and stuff i would be honored to talk and stuff or send you messages or whatever. i just hate seeing or reading about people being so lonely and hope i can help them not be lonely. ^^

  11. I know exactly how you feel hun, but listen to this:

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever belives in Him shall not parish but have eternal life."

    Psalm 52:8 "But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever"

    Even if you dont feel like anyone loves you in this world [although i gaurentee you that there ARE people who love you] Jesus Christ LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!!

    No matter what youre going through, cutting, depression, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, divorce, relatioship issues, ANYTHING, GOD STILL LOVES YOU!!!

    All you have to do is give God control of your life and he will lead you to people who love you, care about you, and are there for you!

    Email me hun anytime you want to and id love to talk!

  12. I loves you sunshine,   have confidence in yourself x x

  13. Hey, join the club. My dad works for long hours, my brother and sister were both born with a mental disorder, I don't have too many friends, and I nobody really has a crush on me...but I don't need any of those things, I just try to go through life with a smile and eventually, people will be smiling back. :)

    EDIT: Oh, sorry, I forgot the advice part! I'm really sorry, but there's always someone out there who loves you and needs you even more than you can imagine! Hey, I don't know you and I like you already!

  14. Well part of your problem is probably the sleeping and not doing much. Honestly, I used to be similar to that, I would wake up at 10:30 or so sit around and do nothing, and I felt like c**p all the time. Start getting up around 8:00 or earlier. Spend time with your mom when you can, clearly she loves you or she wouldn't work so much to help provide for you. Summer is a hard time for things to do with friends because everyone runs off in their own different directions. Get some friends your own age, who don't act like children. It's tough being a teenager sometimes, you just have to push through it. Maybe start taking walks during the day for something to do, you can meet people while you're out and it will make you feel better. It's easy to get depressed if you sit around all day alone.


  15. The teen years can be very hard for some.  You aren't alone.  There are many others who feel like they would rather just get on with adult life.

    Not everyone needs a huge group of friends or makes friends instantly when they meet people.  But you can still have a few good friends, and that's all you need. Try joining a club or extracurricular activity. Volunteer in the community. If you're old enough, apply for some jobs. It will give you an opportunity to meet people and you'll have something to talk about with them, even before you know them well. It will give you something to do besides watch TV and use myspace. And when you find out that you have talents and skills, you'll like yourself more and feel more self-confident.  

    Don't worry if you don't have a boyfriend right now.  All you need are good friends, some interests, and a little confidence in yourself.  You WILL meet the right guy sooner or later - believe it.  It will happen before you know it!  

    (I was like that, too).

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