
I feel like nothings going right in my life???

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I've always been the kind of girl 2 help other ppl when things in their lives are going bad...but now..I'm just...i can't u know?I just found out the worst thing EVER about my parents...something I don't want ANYBODY 2 know about,and my brother just got married to a ***** girl and he didn't invite ANY of his family to the boyfriend broke up with me...OVER A TXT MESSAGE!how wrong is that?I'm just not having a good time in life l8ly.I just feel like other ppl need more help then me and I try SOOOO hard 2 help them and most of the time I help them get their lives back in order...but right now??I just don'tknow what to do...I am feeling all kinds of different feelings:







right now i just don't know what to do ya know? me...i feel so alone...its like...I've helped so many ppl in my life get back up and get their lives back in order...but now when I need help their not evern gonna help me at all.I just feel sooooooo ALONE!!!Give me advice...plz...right now...i'll do anything 2 try and feel would mean allot to me!






  1. you gotta take a break, you should be happy for what u did (helping the peoples with their life) well u shouldnt expect anything in return so just dont force yourself too much and relax and get some fresh air and sorry bout your boyfriend thats pretty low of him but theres other guy out there so dont give up.

  2. Chill! Don't overload! Your not god. Your human with needs of your own. Find something fun to do. Stay away from helping others for a while...just help yourself!

  3. I think your first step is to perhaps have a good cry.  Crying can be very therapeutic.  Then, just take a deep breath.  Realize that none of this is life-threatening.  I know none of it is really on the good side, but life has its ups and downs.  

    I am a firm believer that every event - everything that happens - is good and bad.  Not only does every cloud have a silver lining, but every silver lining hides a cloud.  It can be difficult to see both sides to an event, especially one that you're right in the middle of.

    The key to dealing with adversity is to affect the things you can and ignore the things you can't affect.  Obviously, this is easier said than done, but it's not impossible, either.  

    For example, your brother married someone you/your family don't like and didn't invite you besides.  Not much you can do other than to try not to do any more damage to your relationship.  His marriage is one of those things you can't change (nor should you, it's his life to live).  In time, your family will likely heal.  

    Your boyfriend broke up with you.  That is something you can affect.  It'll take some effort, you'll have to talk with him (hopefully calmly and rationally), figure out what went wrong and how that can be dealt with.  But it's something within your sphere of influence.

    Over all, remember that you can make it through this.  It's a painful time, and nothing I can say will take that away.  But that time will end.  You will be happy again.  This will be a small speedbump in the grand scheme of your life.

  4. really really sounds like you need a respectable friend right now who can be trusted to lend some words

    ...encouraging words are not easy when we are living such a mixed up reality just now i wil say, the bf..should take a breather, and try to realize what if any, his priorities are, then act responsibly

    ...your brother will let you all know when he is ready to continue his relationship with his sad he wants to be someone else

    ....i hope you can reconcile your feelings about your parents too

    ....but seems like each one of these things will take several weeks, or months, to process

    ...meanwhile, i hope you can find peace in your heart and may try to be patient and more kind to others, more than usual, just slow down some, stay closer to home for a week or two...chillin'

    ...this is a growth phase in your life, we encounter these and alot of the time many pieces of the puzzles we receive are not fair...that is fact, they are not fair....where our feelings are concerned

    ....try to avoid feeling skeptical or cynical, those are not really good tools to hang on to

    ....and if you can remain a little bit cheery, positive, upbeat, through this, you will be a much much wiser and stronger woman as you see these things through and can look back on them later for me, I send you my thoughts and prayers that you will feel peace in your heart, knowing all things do work out....and for ourselves we can only remain true to our responsibilities and can only control our own feelings and behaviors bad others don't ask you how you feel more often though

    ...i hope you can feel a little better soon

    Bye for now,


  5. If your feeling "6.EVERYTHING U CAN THINK OF!!!", you must be feeling happy, jubilant, and vibrant too right? Well, my advice would be stop taking everything so seriously. Eat some nutella sandwhiches. ( That stuffs the best that'S ever been invented. Kick back, relax, and enjoy life. Go on vacation!

  6. The worst thing in life is ‘attachment’ .

    It hurts when u loose it..

    The best thing in life is ‘lonliness’.


    It teaches u everything

    & so,

    when u loose it,

    U get everything.. ..!

    U are a good soul and god has made someone equally good for you. Just wait for that special one happening in your life. You will rock again. Best of Luck. Cheerz.

  7. Hey Jen... from the way you describe yourself, I would like to have you as my friend =)...I'm sorry for what happened to you, but I think that's what life is. Different people have different problems, it's not just you're the only one who's facing problems like fact, at this very time, someone is facing similar problems like you. Yes, life can be awful at times, but there're also many wonderful times in our life (I noticed that many people always complaining when they face troubles but not being grateful when they're having good times---it happens to all of us.) And you know what? You may think that your life is full of misery, but I'll tell you what I think...I think you're actually making someone else's life wonderful! Not many people nowadays can actually being so helpful everytime, always trying to help those who had problems to get their lives back in order. You have a very good quality. But as I said above, NOT ALL people has the heart to help others who are in troubles...maybe that's why sometimes some people actually don't bother to help you understand that? Maybe you can try keeping a diary(where you can write,draw,scribble,scold or whatever) if you feel uncomfortable to actually speak or share you problems to someone else. I would also like to share with you with some quotes that I found very meaningful in a motivational book:

    "No one ever finds life worth living---he has to make it worth living." ~Author Unknown~

    "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose,for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down." ~Mary Pickford~

    *I've got a question here...hope you don't mind, but why you're feeling excited? =O

  8. 1st of all relax now no offense but stop helping people and dont worry i feel like that to sometimes youll feel better soon promise PS:RELAX lol

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