
I feel like sleeping all the time. What could be wrong with me

by  |  earlier

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Wednesday night I went to bed at 12:30 and got up at 7:15 Thursday morning and felt exhausted all day and had a headache. I came home and napped for around 3-4 hours and then ate dinner and fall asleep again for 2 hours and then went to bed. Thursday night I went to bed at 12:15 and got up at 6:10 and was tired all day with a headache again and came home from work and slept for 3 hours and went to bed at 12:15. I changed my contacts today and that cleared up my headache, but I'm still tired. I haven't talked to my boyfriend since Wednesday (I don't know why we haven't talked) could this be why? I always go to bed around 12-12:30 and get up at 6 and am tired, but I don't come home and sleep for 3-4 hours.




  1. Hmm...You might have a medical condition or your diet and also younger people sometimes need more then 8 hours of sleep.  I would get a blood test done to rule any health problems out.

  2. It sounds like you just haven't been getting enough sleep. You should be getting at least 8 hours a night. Always lacking sleep can wear you out.  

  3. its called get on PROZAC

  4. eat a balanced diet and exercise daily.  see your doctor to rule out a medical cause.

  5. Not enough sleep. Eventually the sleep deficit adds up like credit card debt and your body crashes.

  6. My personal opinion is to recheck your diet.  Are you taking a daily vitamin?  Do you take B-6 and B-12 or St. John's Wort?  Are you and your boyfriend getting along?  Maybe you should see the eye dr. or your regular dr. if this keeps occuring?  I know if I don't stick to a equal protein and carb. diet, I get fatigued....????  Hope you feel better soon.

  7. YOU'RE EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!  You need a normal sleep schedule.  

  8. It sounds like going to bed at 12:30 and waking at 6 am just isn't enough sleep for you.  Try going to sleep a bit earlier a few nights a week and see if it makes you less tired.  If not, consult your doctor.  Perhaps your anemic.  If thats the case a simple vitamin will take care of the problem.  Take care and sweet dreams!

  9. You might have a low blood count (anemia).  

  10. Try to get well-rested soon, a lack of rest can have all sorts of nasty side effects.

    You COULD potentially have depression but I doubt it, otherwise you would have stated something about being sad and doleful.

    Anyways a lack of sleep can slow your brain down and even have permanent effects, so rest is key.

    A man who happened to suffer from total insomnia, or complete inability to sleep, was awake for 11 days before he died. This is the longest ANYBODY has ever stayed up without ANY sleep (your body needs sleep) however people have died after 3 days and nights even with proper meals.

    You could just be suffering from a migraine or something of the like.

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