
I feel like sleeping on the sidewalk?

by Guest62920  |  earlier

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I have the strong inclination to sleep on the sidewalk tonight. Probably a block and a half into the downtown area as opposed to right in front of my building, as a few of my neighbors might recognize me. Has anyone done this and how did it turn out. Do you think the pigs will remove me before I get a good night's sleep?




  1. Love the avatar Willster.....Hey...I say if William wants to sleep out on the sidewalk, then damm-it! Will shall do what Will wants to do!

  2. Grab some newspaper and hit the concrete.  Sounds like a blast.  Sweet dreams.

  3. Buy a tent and say you're camping.  Put it up in an area and lay down outside it, how can you get in trouble for sleeping outside if you are camping?

  4. i did it once and its tremendous.

    the feel

    the smell

    the up-skirt look at girls as they walk by

    and if anyone spills anything you can eat it

    and jail... need i say more?

  5. What a stupid idea. I think you should do it and enjoy your night in jail.

  6. If I had to sleep on the sidewalk, I'd be less afraid of the police than of whoever else might come along while I was totally defenseless. Anyway, what's the point?  To have the experience--to be able to say, "Been there, done that"?  What about the possibility that you'll be saying it to St. Peter?

  7. I have slept on the sidewalk.  Bring some sort of padding because it is very unforgiving.  The pigs will get you if you are on a busy street so you will need to find cover but other than that you should be fine.  The main issue I had was the frequent mosquito spraying through out the night.

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