
I feel like something is in my eye but I don't see it??

by  |  earlier

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All of a sudden my left eye was hurting so I looked into the mirror and noticed this big string-looking like thing on my eyeball. I wear contact lens so thinking that it was on my contact lens I took it out. And then noticed that thing was still there!! As I tried to move my eye around it moved around as well but I could not get it out, it was just painful and I definitely didn't want to just poke into it. After a while though, I didn't see it anymore and the pain stopped. It's probably gone now but I just wanted to make sure it's not still in my eye?




  1. rinse your eyes thoroughly with drinking water.

    If the irritation persists see an optometrist immediately.

  2. There is a type of tapeworm that people get by eating contaminated food that can be seen in peoples eyes. Most of the time, people don't know they have the worm until they see it in their field of vision. Not to alarm you, but I'd definitely mention it to your doctor. I only know about this because I recently watched a program on the Discovery channel about a man with that very problem.

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