
I feel like such a douche bag...[mature answers preferred...]?

by Guest62409  |  earlier

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ok...well, my girlfriend and I (we've known each other for 7 years, had feelings for each other for 7 years and finally i asked her out and we've been a couple for 4 months now and we are in love with each other) are in a long distance relationship and few days ago, I spent $700 just to see her for 3 days (it was a surprise plan for her...i had to go to the airport and get first class ticket cause it was the only available ticket)

anyways, earlier today, my best girl friend's family came over and we had a great time...but the problem started when my BGF and I were on the couch and I, all of sudden, grabbed her butt for like 20 minutes and she didn't even say a thing (we did flirt a lot before I went out with my current girlfriend) and I really wished that she'd stop me from doing that because she has a boyfriend...and I regret it SO MUCH, I just want to punch myself...and I really want to cry so hard because I feel so guilty...

what should I do? I know it's a long story, but i feel so miserable now... thank you.




  1. If all you did was grab her butt what are you worried about?  Just sounds like you guys were playing.  Cheating is more than butt grabbing.  Tell you girl friend you guys were just messing around.  It didn't mean anything.  If she trusts you it should not be a problem if she doesnt trust you, you are not going to make it anyway.  

  2. Make sure to tell your BGF that you didn't mean it or anything, and you don't know what you were thinking. That way, she can't blame you for anything, because you already opened up about it. Tell your bgf that you have a gf and your happy with her.

    Also, tell your gf what you did and say that you're really sorry and you don't know what you were thinking. Let her know how important she is in your life (your gf not your bgf) and how much you love her. Be sure to tell her what you told your bgf (paragraph above) since she will feel more secure when she thinks that your bgf has been let down. (when you told your bgf you have a gf).If she takes it too badly, give her some time to cool down (2 days) then make a long speech of how sorry you are.

  3. ohhh noo.  thats the first sign that your losing interest.  its going to be on your mind a lot and for awhile you will feel bad but after that feeling is gone your goin to wnat to do it again. you need to tell your gf and see how she  i always say you can never be just friends with someone of the other s*x andstay friends for whole will eventually go over to the other side.

    sorry for the spelling errors im not even gonig to check them

  4. I would say the first thing you should do is talk to your girlfriend, be totally honest and be opened to what ever she has or does not have to say in some cases, if she gets mad respect that and give her time, it's not like you had a s*x so she any level headed girl should forgive you espically if she is in love with you. Then I would say talk to her friend, I don't think you need to say sorry because she is just as wrong as you espically considering that she didn't say no, i take it the girl can speak so she isn't innocent. But I would say make it clear that you have no intrest in her and that what happened shouldn't have happened. I think you are angrier at yourself than your girlfriend will be, I whish you and your gf the best of luck, and don't kick yourself, people make mistakes, it's human and the fact that you have so much regret (and you haven't even been caught) shows that you really do love her girlfriend and I'm sure she knows that.  

  5. are you a man or a mouse...jeez buddy grow a sound like a sniffling school girl...just deal with it dude...

  6. Don't worry it's okay. The reason you probably did that was because you are lacking physical love :D and since your gf is far away, you took it out on your bgf. Just don't let it happen again? :]

  7. You need to talk about it with the BGF, but I'm not sure it needs to be discussed with the GF.  If your guilt is so extreme after you clear the air with BGF that you need to talk to GF to feel better and act normal, then certainly do so.  Prepare with a really good apology.

    What I'm having a hard time visualizing is how if you were just sitting on that couch could you have grabbed her butt for 20 min.?  C'mon - there's more to this, isn't there?  If you're sitting on the couch, she's sitting on her rear which means - access denied.  Otherwise you really had to work to get those gropes, didn't you?      

    This apology does not need the play by play detail. (20 min of grabbing)  Grabbing/touching the rear will suffice.  Be prepared to answer 20 questions, and do so humbly and with great remorse.  The apology does need to be in person and followed up with flowers.  Don't start with flowers, because they raise the flag of suspicion.  She'll think it's got to be bad for you to have flowers already.  Send them the next day to show sincerity.      

  8. Honestly you should apologize to your "BFG" immediatley  because if she says something to her boyfriend or to your girlfriend things could get ugly.. And then you should tell your girlfriend because if she hears it from someone else it would be so much harder for her to forgive you.

  9. Too late. You shouldn't have done it. The end.

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