
I feel like such a loser is anything wrong with me?

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I have friends but I feel like I'm not really close to anyone...I'm 21 and in college but don't really have friends that go to my school because I commute so it's kinda hard to meet people. I feel like some people I know have lots of good friends and on their facebook they have like 300 friends and always look like they're having fun all the time...I only have a couple close friends that I hang out with and even still I don't feel like they are as close...what's wrong with me?




  1. Nothing's wrong with u- most people feel this way. U are just suffering from inferiority complex.

  2. i'm in college too and I don't have a lot of sucks but i'm shy and quiet so maybe ur in a different situation...i doubt that those ppl have 300 close friends anyway..more like acquaintances or just to go partying...i guess u can just talk to everyone you see and start adding them on facebook if u want more friends :D

  3. Do u prefer had 1000 of friends but they aren't close 2 u OR juz few but they r really care of u? Well nothing wrong wid u, some of ppl have lotta friends but doesn't mean they r true friends =). Maybe u juz feel like they are as close coz ur kinda shy? try 2 be more open-minded n talkaktive (juz a lil). Good luck! Have a nice day!

  4. Sweetie, there is NOTHING wrong with you!  Most people only have a few close friends.  And 300?  I'm calling BS and saying they're padding their numbers by adding every person they ever laid eyes on.  NO ONE has 300 friends, or anywhere close to that.

  5. Nuthing wrong sumtimes people dont have close friends i sure dont not anymore so juss keep trying. and please nobody talks to 300 friends not possible they mite know them but not talk.

  6. I don't think there's anything wrong with you.  I feel like that too sometimes; I think it might just be a personality thing. I dont' know about you, but for me, I tend to be more introverted and I need my space; hanging out with tons of people tends to leave me feeling really burned out (even if I had fun) and needing a few days to recharge.  

    Do realize that in order to be close to someone, you have to let them in and confide in them (they won't confide in you if you don't confide in them, it has to go both ways). I had a lot of trouble with that since I often don't feel comfortable confiding in just have to make that leap of faith. I don't think you need 300 facebook friends either, that doesn't mean much. I'd rather have a few close friends than a hundred casual acquaintances. Since you commute, I think you will have to make an extra effort to get involved in campus activities and student organizations/clubs.  Good luck!  

  7. well i dont think your a complete loser. Start to tlak to people and be more outgoing dont be shy there is nothing wrong with you you probably just started off on a rough start.  Just keep your mind open and just keep a bright mind.

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