
I feel like this job is a joke what do you think?

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Well first off I am training to be a 911 dispatcher. Here are the problems.

1. they don't have a sworn training officer. I have had numerous people tell me different stuff

2. the fire calls are hard to deal with since these rednecks around here cant speak correctly on a radio

3. our boss is a joke and cant make a decision

4. i have to have a extra person working with me and my partner (usually 2 in here but now 3 of us)

5. the other new guy works nights and nights are slow and he hasnt had to deal with the stuff i had to

6. i am getting totally frustrated what should i do




  1. Do you like the actual work? Maybe, you can stay there until you find another place to dispatch. In my state, our 911 is routed through county offices. My cousin is a dispatcher and loves his job. He received very intense training.

    The problem around here is to get these jobs, you almost always need to know someone, so therefore, there are people who take it for granted and do not work well because the job was basically handed to them. I would love to have this job, but I have no connections. If I did, I would want to work in a decent environment.

    This is a stressful job. I would try to hang in there and see if it improves, but if it does not, I would look for something else. It is not good to be miserable in your job, esp. one like this.

    Good luck!

  2. My husband has been working for 911 8 years and loves his job.

    Have you been trained in EMD,First Aide,CPR,EMT and other certifications necessary? It does take awhile for one to pick up the ropes of the job as obviously you know,a 911 dispatcher you have LOTS to learn. If it is becoming frustrating,by all means talk to your director.Its part of the system.

  3. I'm not an expert on being a 911 operator, but I am a career coach. It sounds like this job is not a good fit for your skills & expectations. If you have been there less than a week, I would give it another week or two to see if it improves. Otherwise, it might be time to look for something else. When a job is not a good fit like this, and you only work there 3 months or less, you can legitimately leave it off your resume.  

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