
I feel lonely, I` too fat to have friends.?

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I really need to lose weight! I don`t have any friends and everyone is making fun of me and looking strange as if i have some sort of disease.




  1. no one is too fat to have friends. keep looking! you will find a friend!

  2. Does it matter what size you are? It's your inner-beauty that counts. I'm fourteen and I sometimes go through the whole thing of, "Mum, I look so fat! I'm not going to eat anything tomorrow." It isn't worth it- believe me!

    If people can't see you for what you are then they just aren't worth it.

    However, if you feel uncomfortable about your body, try drinking lots of water. Try replacing the more fattening snacks for healthier foods such as, fruit, low fat cereal bars, yoghurt's. They can taste just as good as the fattening snacks such as, chocolate and sweets.

    Nobody is ever too fat to have friends and I'm sure you will find the friends that you need some day :) x*x Good Luck x*x

  3. Weight doesn't have that much effect on having the colleges I attended...heavy people are practically as popular as the pretty slim people...its their personality that gets them friends...not lack of weight.

  4. fat is not a reason to not get friends just think positive go to the gym,eat less food and the natural,bye technologies machin that you can see on the tv,just remember to think positive!

  5. The reason you dont have friends i dont know, it cant be your weight, you must treat others the way you wish to be treated, so be confident and nice to people. If you wish to lose weight , keep yourself motivated, wen your hungry snack on fruit. for meals eat less carby foods and then do as much excersise as you can.

  6. Some people don`t understand that everybody deserves a second chance and all they know is criticize. Friends shouldn’t choose who to hang with on base of appearance but they should choose on basis of character and personality. If you really want to lose weight: start counting how many calories you eat every day, and also work out. You may want to try a diet as well, but first check with your doctor. You can find lots useful weight loss tools at – for free. I use the menu planner to calculate how many calories I eat, and the workout planner to see how many I burn. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  7. So lose the weight if it bothers you so much. You get out of life what you put into it.

  8. The main factor in losing weight is your will power. If you have a strong will power you will definately over come your obesity. It dosent matter for true friends that how do you look. It might be your thoughts that no one likes you as commonly every obes person will think. In matter of feeling lonely its in cases of obes, almost all fat people think that they are lonley.

  9. The people that acting and treating you in this manner are rude,ignorant,and are not worthy of having you as a friend anyway.Loss weight for YOU and YOUR HEALTH and WELL-BEING.Don't become consumed with what other people think about you,what you  think  and feel about yourself is what matters.

    If you want to start a healthy plan to lose weight consult your doctor,and start slow by walking for 30-45 minutes at least 5 days a week,eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables,avoid eating a lot of sugar,white rice ,bleached flours,and fried greasy foods and pop,if you do drink pop, drink diet pop.Bake or broil your meats and poultry and steam your vegetables or eat them raw,and drink at  least eight 8 oz.glasses of water a day.Good luck, and remember the only people that you  should  consider  having as friends are ones that completely except YOU for WHO you are and how you look,bless you.

    Also a way to meet friends is to join a fitness group,and you  can meet new ppeople and have support with your weight lost .By the way the only size that really matters is the size of your heart,laugh,smile and love life,and learn to love YOURSELF!!!

  10. you think you are too fat? others think that you are too fat? before you do anything stupid like rush to the gym, please consult a doctor first and get some tips from him of how to stay slim and healthy or exercise regularly, good luck.

  11. dont worry about what people think. it all matters about you. if you feel that you need to loose weight, then go ahead. the world is very judgemental and you just have to accept that from people. celebrites may look great but someone always has something negative to say. work on yourself and being happy. eat healthier and excersice little by little until u can handle a full workout. dont push your self for an hour, because your body has to get use to it. if you do you will be tired and not want to excersice. try working out for 10min the first day. then try 15min for the next three days. then try 20min for a week. its all about little steps. eg if you like mcdonalds, get whatever chicken you want grilled.if you subtract the cheese, bacon and mayo thats about 300 calories. eat what you want. just keep it at a minimum. stay away from heavy sweets. half a slice of cheesecake is about 320 calories. so start working out little by little. once you accompish the 10 min then you will be able to push youself to the 15 and the 20 and so on. its all about testing yourself to what you can handle. you have to test and prepare yourself. 1st graders dont just jump to the 5th grade,they have to get through all the other grades first. after working out and getting use to it, you might not see any changes at first but you will feel it inside. then you will be really able to control the food you eat. if you worked out for 30 min and burned about 500 calories, you will definately not want to throw that away by eating a slice of pizza. basically be happy about yourself. everyone is beautiful in their own way. its just how you present yourself. if you walk around looking depresed cuz of your weight, people will use that against. just learn to love yourself and he healthier.

  12. For starters. No one is too fat to have friends.

    Some people sometimes don't understand. They judge before meeting the person. The saying is 'Never judge a book by its cover'

    If you want to lose weight then dieting is not the answer.  Eating things in moderation is a good thing. Eat healthy and eat unhealthy things like chocolate and sweets in moderation. Exercise is a good thing as well. Do not over exercise! Join your local gym and they might give you a program which you can go on

    Hope this helps.

  13. Eat less and drink more water that will sure help. Also try going to a gym maybe you`ll find some friends there.

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