
I feel lost in the world and just wierd all of a sudden?

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im 16 year old. latley i have felt lost and depressed for some reason, lost meaning lost in the world i live in! like i dont even know where to begin, i use to have a good understanding of life but then i watched this video Zeitgeist and ive literally felt lost confused and depressed

ive spent hours on the computer, and i never ue to do this! can anyone help me




  1. Don't worry, you are not alone.  Some people won't want to admit, while others may admit it freely, but I believe that most, if not all people go through temporary depressions in their lives.  I went through one when I was about your age.  What got me through was the support of my friends and family, making plans for the future, and most of all writing.  After a while, I began to feel better.because I felt I had a future and I had talent.  So find what you like to do and make plans for the future.  hopefully the depression will go away when you see that you really do have a future and something that you like to do and are good at.  If not, you definitely should seek medical help.  Most of all, talk to your parents so that they are aware of what's going on.  Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is wrong with you.  You don't have to feel like this, and I encourage you do what you can to make yourself feel better.  Go out once in awhile, even if just to take a walk around the block every evening.

  2. Hello, its your age. When I was your age, me and all my friends went through the same thing. This is the age where you find yourself and decide what you want to do with your life, and where to begin.

    Good luck.

  3. Your still in the early stages of life. Everyone goes thru it. Just do what makes you happy(think i kno what does). Life is a bumpy road with lots of twist and turns. There are nice smooth newly paved stretches and sum filled with potholes. Just grab the wheel and keep your eyes open. You'll be alright. Life is a journey of experiences and learning. I over-analyze every situation im in and it drives me koo koo sumtimes but also think of every possibility that could come out of it so i can try and make the right decision. Just take sum time and think about what u want out of life and go in that direction. I wish you lots of luck.

  4. I watched that film too. I heard it is based on incorrect facts so ignore it.

  5. Don't worry you are not alone there are so many people going threw the same thing you are or at least something similar to that. So tell you mom or someone than can help.

  6. i wish i knew what the video was about. well all this humble person has to offer is a song.

  7. I think you need to sit back and take a look back at your life.Alot of teenagers go through it,I mean I went through it and its tuff but you will pull through.Alot of people have great things in their life that they don't recognize because its small or its been around them so long.So just take a little time to your self and reflect

  8. whatever you do dont take drugs or whatever.other wise talk about it to your friends.letting it out might help you feel better.other wise see i therapist.i know it might be embarassing,but i know people and it has helped them.

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