
I feel manic...please help me?

by  |  earlier

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Right now, idk whats wrong with me.

My fingers are jittery and i just feel like my mind is going a mile a minute. i keep breathing heavy because my heart is going really really fast.

I didn't have any caffeine, but my mom and my dad BOTH insist I dont have bipolar disorder.

I've had depression before...but right now...I feel so energetic and hyper.

however, i'm not sure if its just the excitement of school and meeting new people,etc etc that is makin me this way? i'm not sure.

advice? i feel like im going insane right now.




  1. Ok ok...Be careful. Ok? Try screaming it all out instead.

  2. Anxiety? Maybe a panic attack?

  3. Hey check it out for years the Doctors thought I was Manic. Then guess

    what I was taking so many pills I rattled when I walked. Then they had me taking more pills. It got to the point that all I wanted to do is sleep all the time. I would wake up long enough to pop another hand full of pills.

    But then I found a real Doctor that knows what she's doing she took me off of all of the pills that the other doctor gave me . She said that it's a wonder that I was even alive after all of the pills. She listened to me and right she told me she knew what was wrong with me. It's called Panic

    Attacks. She put me on zanax 2 mg.and Ive been good now for 7 years.

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