
I feel nothing, not saddness, not anger, not joy...

by  |  earlier

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i have no emotion, i hardly cared tht my aunt died, what's wrong with me? it doesn't matter what it is, i just don't care. i don't care that i have no friends, i don't care that my family is hurting i jus don't care any more, i need help. I don't know why it is the way it is.




  1. Hi,

    Maybe it's just a phase, but if this troubles you, go see a doctor, he might recommend talking to someone.

    Sometimes not caring at all hides some kind of pain that you are ignoring in order not to cope with.

    I wish you all the best.

  2. 1st of all let me tell U something NO ppl in the WORLD can live without EMOTION.....

    BDW let me tell u......

    if ur saying..."I hardly cared tht my aunt died"that means u "LOVED" ur aunt vry much n ur cant able accpt da fact that she is no more...

    if ur saying.." i don't care that i have no friend' that means ur"DEPRESSED" that u hv no frnds....

    if ur saying...."i don't care that my family is hurting me" that means ur "HURT & SAD" & u want it 2 b solved.....

    & with ur every statement as ur adding "I DONT CARE"--its nothing bt wht we call "DEFENSE MECHANISM" in psychological term..

    Finally If ur saying......"i need help." that means u care abt urself n U wana get out of it & that also mean u "DO CARE"...

    & LOVE, DEPRESSION, SADNESS---r nothing bt shear EMOTION..

    So my advice 2 u is plzzzzz try 2 SORT OUT things rather than GIVING UP & if its not that then target some Goal & try 2 acheive it...

    & if u r still having problems go 2 some Psychologist 4 counselling..

    Im sure she will help u........

    n my advice will b THINK POSITIVE because thrs ONLY 1 LIFE DONT WASTE IT......


    REMEMBER U also matter 2 some ppl who care 4 u.............

    n if ur not finding those ppl just open up ur eyes & c ALL THE ANSWERS HERE...


  3. You need help from a cousellor and love from those near to you.

    Love must be deserved. Resolve to deserve the love of others and be good to them. Give love and respect and receive love and respect.

    Remember, Love and respect must be BARTERED.

    Don't lose heart. You can help yourself.

  4. This sounds like a common symptom of depression.  

    You could be in shock about your aunt, but it sounds to me that it's been going on since before that.

    You may be isolating yourself from the world- the emotions one feels during depression are horrifying, and you may be keeping yourself numb because it's better than feeling that.  People may be saying hurtful things to you, and you want to shut them out.

    I've felt numb.  I've felt the tears nearly always on the brink of flowing.

    Try to get yourself to a doctor.

  5. You need help from a mental health professional.  It sounds to me like you are suffering from depression - Get help soon.

  6. I would suggest that you set up an appointment with a psychologist or a psychiatrist. There are several reasons why this can happen.

    One of the reasons is there was a deep hurt in your life, so what you did is built a huge stone wall between you and your emotions in a way to protect yourself from further hurt and anguish.

    Either way, a psychologist or psychiatrist will be able to help you uncover the reason behind this and help guide you to a path that is healthy.

  7. Everything depends on YOU.

    Its a matter of WILL.

    You can change if you WANT to.

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself and CHANGE yourself.

    I've been there.

  8. u r careless, like to be alone. or no one there 4 u, that make u r this way, and this are not  good. I'm wondering if u r struggling with(job,carrier,relationship or health) make u lacking interesting in life.

  9. Been there and done that. I thought it was AWESOME. Nothing anybody did or said bothered me. I even cultivated the non-feeling thing when I was attending college. I got pretty good at it. I even extended it to controlling others. Since I didn't care about them, I could observe them with total objectivity. I learned what buttons to push. I'd go on a date and engineer the outcome. If I decided to have it end romantically, or in a fight, it was almost as easy as programming a computer. I mean we could hardly speak to each other during the first part of the date and wind up in bed, or we could be having a great time and then I'd pull the plug and she'd be shouting at me... or crying (my choice) when we parted. And regardless of how it ended, we'd probably have another date the next week.

    I didn't even attend my grandparents' funerals. There's nothing I could do. They were dead. What's the use? And I'm not ashamed, nor do I regret my decision.

    And, if your family wishes to lament over the loss of your aunt, that's their problem.

    Go look in the mirror. See that girl? She's not going anywhere. she'll always be there... looking back at you. Family, friends, loved ones, pets, kibitzers like those of us on yahoo, the pseud-scientists (psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists) they're going to come and go. Let them worry about how you think or feel if they so choose. But that girl in the mirror is there for the duration. She'll get older, maybe get a few wrinkles, maybe some gray hair. But she'll always be there. When you look in the mirror, and if she smiles back... most of the time, you're doing ok.

  10. You probably are confused of your purpose in life... if you dont know what your role in life is, what is the point waking up early in the morning or sleeping, or being angry about something? It just means you need to find your purpose and to do that i recommend getting to know your creator, God, who created you for a purpose, he would know just the things that excite you, make you sad, angry, just my belief you dont have to believe in it if you dont want to but thats why i believe.

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